Getting Started

Hi and welcome to the Texas Mid-Coast Bioblitz!

For those of you who are using iNaturalist for the first time, I hope to make things as easy as possible for you! If you are reading this, you have taken the first step to becoming a natural scientist. While I cannot give you the educational credentials that a scientist may have, I can equip you with a tool that will help you with your scientific endeavors. By using iNaturalist, you are participating in citizen science!

How does iNaturalist work?

With iNaturalist, you can discover the identity of ANY organism. This tool is able to identify organisms by comparing an image taken from a smartphone or camera and applying an algorithm to help identify the species--but it doesn't end there. iNaturalist is the home to thousands of scientists who would love to see what you're discovering in nature. They help the community identify an organism when the algorithm is unsure of the true species identification. The key is to take multiple high-quality pictures from as many angles as possible. If you are able to capture different features of an organism, iNaturalist will do the rest!

This is a brief explanation of how iNaturalist works. There is plenty of other information to be found in the "help" and "getting started" guide found on the iNaturalist website. I will include links to other helpful information for those of you who are new or need a refresher on iNaturalist. If you already use iNaturalist, I thank you for participating in this project and I can't wait to see what you all find! Good luck!


Getting Started

How to Post identifications on the Web (for those who are uploading pictures from a camera)

What is a Bioblitz?

If you need help or have any questions, feel free to contact me at

Posted on August 4, 2020 02:39 AM by katittle katittle


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