COVID-19 Concerns

As you all know, COVID-19 is a real concern. We would love to have as many people as possible to attend this bioblitz, but we must be careful. Everyone's safety is paramount, and because of this, we will be practicing social distancing and require masks when interacting with others. If you are feeling ill or have come in contact with coronavirus, stay home!

Luckily a bioblitz is held outdoors and keeping a distance from others shouldn't be a problem! We just want to reassure everyone that we aren't taking COVID-19 lightly and that we would love to see you all there. As I mentioned in my other post, Hudson Woods will be the central location, but you are free to explore both San Bernard and Brazoria NWRs. Of course, we can't enforce you to wear a mask, nor do we expect you to when out collecting observations, but please... if you are interacting with others you don't know or you are meeting the ACE Crew Members at Hudson woods, wear a mask. We would hate for someone to become ill while participating in this event.

Thank you for your understanding.

Posted on August 4, 2020 03:41 AM by katittle katittle


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