This list includes only the indigenous trees that occur naturally in the Tokai area. Many other trees alien to Tokai, were planted in the Tokai Arboretum and elsewhere. Where invasive these are listed under invasives. The official tree number is given and used to sort the species.

Found in forest:
18 Real Yellowwood Podocarpus latifolius (Yellowwood Family)
39 White Stinkwood Celtis africana (Elm)
118 Stinkwood Ocotea bullata (Bay)
140 Red Alder Cunonia capensis (Wild Alder)
224 Cape Rattlepod Crotalaria capensis (Pea)
397 Cape Holly Ilex mitis (Holly)
398 Silky Bark Maytenus acuminata (Spike Thorn)
414 Cape Saffron Cassine peragua (Spike Thorn)
418 Spoonwood Cassine schinoides (Spike Thorn)
422 White Pear Apodytes dimidiata (White Pear)
451 Cat-thorn Scutia myrtina (Buckthorn)
513 Hard Pear Olinia ventosa (Hard Pear)
570 Assegai Curtisia dentata (Dogwood)
578 Cape Beech Rapanea melanophloeos (Myrsine)
611 Bladder Nut Diospyros whyteana (Ebony)
615 Fine-leaf Ironwood Chionanthus foveolatus (Olive)
618.2 Ironwood Olea capensis subsp. macrocarpa (Olive)
670 Tree Fuchsia Halleria lucida (Snapdragon)
710 Rock Alder Canthium mundianum (Onionwood)

Found in Fynbos:
20 Mountain Cedar Widdringtonia nodiflora (Cedar Family)
72 Wild almond Brabejum stellatifolium (Sugarbush)
77 Silvertree Leucadendron argenteum (Sugarbush)
78 Peninsula Conebush Leucadendron strobilinum (Sugarbush)
84 Green Tee Pincushion Leucospermum conocarpodendron subsp viridum (Sugarbush)
86 Wagontree Protea nitida (Sugarbush)
90.5 Black-beard Sugarbush Protea lepidocarpodendron (Sugarbush)
91.1 Green Sugarbush Protea coronata (Sugarbush)
94.2 Common Sugarbush Protea repens (Sugarbush)
99 Cape Sumach Osyris compressa (Sandalwood)
221 Blossom Tree Virgilia oroboides subsp. oroboides (Pea)
225 Water Blossom Pea Podalyria calyptrata (Pea)
225.8 Leafless Fountainbush Psoralea aphylla (Pea)
302.1 September Butterflybush Polygala myrtifolia (False Pea)
377.1 Lance-leaf Taaibos Searsia angustifolia (Mango)
383.2 Blue Kunibush Searsia tomentosa (Mango)
385.2 Glossy Currant Searsia laevigata (Mango)
388.1 Glossy Currant Searsia lucida forma elliptica (Mango)
394 Wild Currant Searsia tomentosa (Mango)
398 Mountain Maytenus Maytenus oleoides (Spike Thorn)
399 Common Spike Thorn Gymnosporia buxifolia (Spike Thorn)
453.1 Box Hardleaf Phylica buxifolia (Buckthorn)
494 Wild Peach Kiggelaria africana (Wild Peach)
565 Coast Cabbage Tree Cussonia thyrsiflora (Cabbage Tree)
572 Water Heath Erica caffra (Heath)
603.1 Blueberry Bush Diospyros glabra (Ebony)
616 Cape Ironwood Olea capensis subsp. capensis (Olive)
627 Wild Olive Olea europaea subsp. africana (Olive)
733a Camphor Bush Tarchonanthus littoreus (Daisy)
736.1 Bush Tick-berry Chrysanthemoides monilifera (Daisy)

Posted on August 13, 2020 08:11 AM by tonyrebelo tonyrebelo


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