Hellhole Canyon

We hiked through Hellhole Canyon but I am happy to say my experience did not live up to its name. This is definitely my favorite hike that we have done on this trip because of the abundance of things to see. Lexus, Jacob, Josh, and I began the (already long 6 mile) hike with a detour up a little hill in search of snakes and although we didn’t find any it was still fun to look around and see everything else. On the way up we saw a spring and trees and grasses that I wouldn’t have expected to see in a desert setting, but the most exciting thing we saw was the snake we found under a log. I thought I’d be scared of it but this one was tiny and really pretty and although I didn’t hold it myself I pet it and it was super cool. Once we made it to the top we saw a waterfall and a wall full of ferns and other plant life I was surprised to see and Cody was right, it was worth the hike up. On the way down, after a little sprinting race between a couple of us, we took a different route and I saw a bunch of rabbits and a rodent of some kind. With ice cream as a motivator, we finished the hike down in a fraction of the time it took to climb up.

Posted on March 18, 2020 11:16 PM by emilykintzele emilykintzele


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