Organ Pipe National Monument

Today we adventured through Organ Pipe National Monument. The first stop that we made was a spring that was pretty impressive considering it was in the middle of a desert. In this spring we found minnows which were endangered and some very cute turtles. I observed one of the teeny tiny fish and it was really cute! I walked around the spring and saw a little scorpion and a bunny and a lot of birds. But the most exciting and memorable part of this day was when we were driving to stop for lunch and Cody slammed on the breaks and made us all get out of the car to look at a Gila monster he found on the side of the road! It was kind of bigger than I thought it would be and he was a nice black and orange color. We hiked some more through this park and found some pretty flowers and some really interesting cactuses.

Posted on March 18, 2020 11:16 PM by emilykintzele emilykintzele


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