Mother Hummingbird Had Two Chicks

On the Hellhole Canyon hike in Anza Borrego Desert State Park, I was walking by myself when I heard a “VWOOM! VWOOM!” sound going around me. Once it perched on a plant, I saw that it was a cute hummingbird. It then would fly around to different plants in what I assumed it would be looking for flowers to get nectar from. Then, I saw it go to rest in a nest located on a bush’s branch. I was full of excitement. I thought, “Oh my goodness, she has a nest!” Then the hummingbird left her nest and I wondered, “Well, if there is a nest, then there’s likely eggs in there.” So I crept up to the nest, and when I looked inside, my jaw dropped. In the nest were the hummingbird’s eggs HATCHING! I almost could not believe my eyes. I hastily took my phone out to take photos and videos of it; hopefully the mother hummingbird didn't mind too much. This will be something I will never forget!

Posted on March 14, 2022 02:40 PM by solijnatpics solijnatpics


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