We are up and running with divers in the water

Welcome everyone to the 2024 Vanuatu Sea Slug Census!

What are we going to find this year? We have opened up the range of our census to the whole of Vanuatu. We hope this will mean that we find some species that we haven't recorded before from different areas.

After looking at the SSC results last year Prof Steve Smith said that he was surprised that some families that are abundant at most other locations are absent from Vanuatu records – especially some of the hydroid and soft-coral associated taxa – Dotidae, Eubranchidae, Tritoniidae. Steve suggested it would be worth targeting sites with these habitats to see if there are any around (mostly relatively turbid sites from his experience).

Hopefully with that top tip we will encourage our top sea slug sleuths to rack up the number of species they find. Stay tuned for some other top tips from our top Nudi spotters over the time of the 2024 census.

Happy Sea Slug spotting!

Posted on May 12, 2024 02:49 AM by christinashaw christinashaw


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