Top tip #5 nudibrach cerata

After hearing about an amazing find by @candicevanuatu that has already been uploaded to the project, it's actimely reminder that:

  1. You do not have to dive to find cool critters, snorkelling and rockpooling are very worthwhile alternatives
  2. Some nudibranch species shed/throw their cerata as a defence mechanism.
  3. You do not necessarily need to know the names of all nudibranchs but knowing a few key features including the type of cerata and their shape (straight curly, bulbous , different makings at tips or base) and layout ( sparse, clustered, clumping) can put you in the general (naming) area of most ID books
    Enjoy the final day of slugging on 19th May.
    You then have 2 weeks to upload your species for inclusion in the census album.

Posted on May 18, 2024 11:05 AM by margo_s margo_s


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