Taxonomy details for Rein Orchids (Section Piperia)

Relationship: Deviation

iNaturalist NZ Plants of the World Online
Section Blephariglottis (parent: Genus Platanthera) Not external
Section Gymnadeniopsis (parent: Genus Platanthera)
Section Lacera (parent: Genus Platanthera)
Section Limnorchis (parent: Genus Platanthera)
Section Lysias (parent: Genus Platanthera)
Section Lysiella (parent: Genus Platanthera)
Section Piperia (parent: Genus Platanthera)
Section Platanthera (parent: Genus Platanthera)
Section Tulotis (parent: Genus Platanthera)

POWO doesn’t include infrageneric classification.
See :
See also :

Downstream deviations for Platanthera 1

Downstream flagged taxa: 1
Flagged Taxon
Platanthera leptopetala
Created by t_e_d on January 21, 2024