This iNat list mostly only goes to Family. See the sources for more information about basin occurrences.

Dr. Phil Ward (UCD) is the definitive authority on Sagehen Basin insects.

The following Families are reported, but uncertain:
Anthribidae (?)
Artematopidae (?)
Psephenidae (?)
Ephemeridae (?)
Coccidae (?)
Margarodidae (?)
Acerentomidae (?)

List Sources:

  • Research-grade iNaturalist observations in the Sagehen Basin.
  • Baumann, et al. (1985). Plecoptera of Sagehen Creek. Unpubl. list for First North American Plecoptera Conference (1985). See also Sheldon & Jewett (1967).
  • Bohart Museum of Entomology. University of California, Davis.
  • Caterino, M. S. (2003). The beetles (Coleoptera) of the Sagehen Creek Basin.
  • Erman, N. A. (1989). Tricoptera of the Sagehen Creek Basin.
  • Essig Museum of Entomology. University of California, Berkeley.
  • Jewett, S. G., Jr. 1966. Some species of Capnia from western North America (Plecoptera).
  • Siegfried, C. A. & Knight, A. W. (1975). The macroinvertibrate fauna of two streams of the eastern slope of the Sierra Nevada.
  • Turner, P. E. (1965). Checklist of aquatic insects of Sagehen Creek and vicinity.
  • Ward, P. S. (2002a). UC Davis ENT 109 Reference Collection.
    ____. (2002b). Ants (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) of Sagehen Creek, Nevada Co., California (45 species).

  • Wiggins, G. B. & Yamamoto, T. (1967). List of the Tricoptera collected in the vicinity of the Sagehen Creek Research Station of the University of California.
Arthropods - Photo (c) peter_yeeles, all rights reserved Check list for Arthropods (Phylum Arthropoda)
Source: Felix, McMains - 2012. (Link)
faerthen Added by faerthen on September 17, 2014