JC1786 growing in bark at N bases of Quercus john-tuckeri
Seems like a few too many endostome teeth but the operculum with the bright orange rim, interesting distal “puckering” of the capsule, and leaf cross sections all seem to fit
Ascospores 10-15μm, 1-3septate; all ascomata<1mm long, red pruinae all over disk
I didn't notice these scale insects on my one year old toyon plant on 29 September 2024 when I watered it, but today, six days later, there were about 40 of them on the main stem, and I couldn't help noticing them. I picked them all off by hand.
growing on Torrey pines. showing damage of lots of blue sap
Growing on Tephromela, still need key to species.
Stromatic conidiomata erumpent. Conidia allantoid, 4–5 μm, borne singly on phialides.
On gall, Andricus quercuscalifornicus (http://www.inaturalist.org/observations/194467925) on Quercus dumosa.
Lichenicolous fungi growing on Heterodermia erinacea
After chatting with Mike Haldeman who is managing the Lichenicolous fungi website, this identification is not conclusive. Will need to do further work but i dont think it hurts to leave this id as best guess for now.
Isolated from stem of Adenostoma sparsifolium.
Densely fluffy, quick-growing, strong aerial hyphae; maturing from gray to black.
Isolated from stem of Adenostoma sparsifolium.
Isolated from stem of Adenostoma sparsifolium.
Mounds with black guttation appearing after two months.
Isolated from stem of Adenostoma sparsifolium.
growing on moss
This moss is growing in moist soil on the riverbank. This is between large concrete rocks. This moss looks different than most I've seen and the nearby mosses.
Springtails on it: https://www.inaturalist.org/observations/201300965
Photos 14-16 were brightened.
Photos show it growing with Didymodon, Tortula atrovirens and Tortula plinthobia
Beneath stone in damp soil under tree in plant bed. Second image shows a japygoid with two proturans in the upper half of the photo.
I don't know what's causing this deformation on Prunus fremontii - fungus is just a guess.
On Heteromeles arbutifolia
Mature woodland, dominated by live oak, sycamore, and Rhamnus ilicifolia. On rotting live oak log. Pinkish flesh colored merulioid crust with warty texture. No caps.
Large patch with at least two Hygrocybe spp. under Rhus integrifolia and Heteromeles arbutifolia. Another patch nearby was under exclusively H. arbutifolia suggesting that that might be the important leaf litter association here. Stands out from other Southerb California Hygrocybe observations in that no bay laurel was in the area.
Up to 5 inches tall. Pale yellow, pileus conical when fresh becoming planar-convex retaining a slight umbo. Blackening. Gills white into maturity until blackening. Stipe yellow fading to white at bottom, bifurcated in some fruitboedies.
The orange lichen was the target subject of this photo but I noticed the texosporium while looking it over afterwards. First pic is zoomed in. It doesn’t appear to be growing on rabbit poop, but instead on soil
Possibly on Iscoma. Coastal shrub land.
Ascostromata erumpent, 1–2 mm long, main body 0.8–1 mm tall; multiple necks, 0.5–0.9 mm tall, 130–200 µm wide, consisting of three columns with cavity between them forming ostiole 32 µm in diameter.
Asci 57 x 5 µm, 8-spored, pedicellate (pedicel 26 µm long), thin-walled, IKI+. Ascospores allantoid, yellow, two-guttulate,
6–8 x 1.6–1.9 µm.
Falcate conidia (possibly from a different fungus) are present as well; 12–16 µm from end to end, 0.5–0.7 µm thick, hyaline with two guttules.
Chaparral. On exudate emited from broken branches of Rhus integrifolia.
Apothecia 0.5–0.9 mm tall. Stalk K-. Asci 34–37 x 3.2–3.3 µm; with channel at apex. Ascospores non-septate, ellipsoid, 5.2–6.4 x 2.3–3.3 µm (mean 5.7 x 2.9 µm).
Same collection as: https://www.inaturalist.org/observations/191417880
Asci 100 x 20 µm. Ascospores hyaline, 11-13 septate, 30-50 x 5-7 µm.
Underside of dead palm tree.
Persistent subiculum brown, wooly. Ascospores with germ slit (some sigmoid) the length of the spore, (17)20-21 x 6.3-7 µm.
Upper hymenium bluish; paraphyses not separating in water. Thallus K+ yellow, C-
Chanterelle, Bukhansan National Park (북한산국립공원), Seoul, South Korea
Mixed chaparral. In rodent dig with loose cover of duff under Quercus berberidifolia.
Hypogeous gasteroid fungus, exterior yellow-gold. Interior white with maze-like folds. KOH-
Odor at first indistinct, later developing odor of rice after refrigeration for a couple days.
Asci balloon-shaped, 99 x 57 µm; variably 3- to 5-spored, popping when pressed on with cover slip. Ascospores hyaline, smooth hyaline, with spindly protrusions in developing ascus, egg-shaped to subglobose, 18-20 x 14-16 µm.
Vernal pool habitat
Chaparral. On Ribes indecorum
Ascoma erumpent perithecia with a central depression. Peridium brilliant orange pseudo-parenchyma. Asci thin-walled with many hundreds of spores. Ascoconidia allantoid, 3-3.8 μm.
Anamorph red orange, erumpent, often together with teleomorph.
On Cylindropuntia californica. Erumpent clear jelly that changed to brown/orange then black when dried and no longer jelly-like. Left black scars on the cactus. No other fungi present to suggest that it was parasitic on Stereum, Peniophora or else
Microscopy (400X, 1,000X)
spores = x µm
asci = amyloid tipped in Melzers, x µm
Mixed chaparral, under scrub oak. Cap deep blue-black, velvety. Stipe lighter, smooth.
Under chamise; no scrub oak in the immediate vicinity.
Cap 1-1.8 cm, umbonate, deep chestnut color, velvety, scaly, rimose. Cortina attached to margins. Gills dull brown to rusty brown, adnate to 'toothed'. Stipe 2-3 x 0.2-0.3 cm, lighter than cap, scaly, snake skin pattern. Odor indistinct.
Spores rough, [9.4]9.6-10[10.4] x [4.3]4.5-5.4 µm
Chaparral, mixed scrub oak and chamise.
Cap metallic brown to vinaceous, rimose, plane, umbonate. Distinct vellipellis. Veil remnants on margin. Gills grayish brown. Stipe solid, equal, caulocystidia only on upper 1/3.
Odor farinaceous.
Spores gently nodulose, fat frog-shaped, 8.9-10.2[11.2] x [5.5]5.7-6.3 µm
Pleurocystidia apically encrusted, metuloid (1.2 µm thick), lageniform, 57 µm; some utriform, shorter.
Cheilocystidia lageniform, smooth apex, some apically encrusted.
Mixed chaparral. Under scrub oak.
Cap fibrillose, cream to light brown at center. Stipe pallid, caulocystidia along full length; bulbous emarginate; no bruising.
On mossy sand
Apothecia immersed in wood of dead Adenostoma branches along W-exposed hillside. Coastal Artemisia, Adenostoma, Cneoridium scrub with Pinus torryana.
I'm not familiar with this genus, but it seems that P. viridis and P. versicolor can be variable in color.
Observation from same location:
From general vicinity:
Found in sandstone soil below mosses. First 2 pictures 40x, second 2 pictures 10x.
Incredible pink/purple colored russula
substrate = Cercocarpus leaf
HAY-F-000335 ==> HAY-F-005101
substrate/habitat = fruiting beneath well rotten small Cupressus sargentii log with Arctostaphylos root running ~8 inches away. the same roote further up close to the the trunk of the Arctostaphylos had a similar mushroom fruiting
KOH = slight darkening of the cap
scent = none detected
UVF 365 nm = lite blue-green on gills
On cow dung
Cow dung. Heads less than 1/2 mm wide
The beautiful Bakersfield countryside
On dead pine.
Fruiting in small groups in two adjacent hummocks from moss and liverworts, amongst Thelephora sp., under large Adenostoma fasciculatum with Salvia mellifera and Xylococcus bicolor nearby and unidentified ferns. No distinct odor, mild taste
Scaly-fibrous zonate slightly hygrophanous (?) cap, squared/flat stipe, single fruitbody could not find others in the vicinity
Terrible picture, but light colored (white?) rat