in the absence of a trunk or stone to lean on, a capybara may be an option;
I have observed these two individuals do this twice;
see also
When I woke up this morning I didn't know I'd be taking a selfie with a duck. Or running after it as it tried to take off from a wet road, which they never can. Or driving one-handed to release it at the nearest body of water. Any similarity between our hair is coincidental. Rescue mission: successful! The duck is on the left.
Rescued this Redhead today. It had a fishhook in its bill / face, and the fishing line it was attached to was frozen into the ice and the bird was trapped. Captured the bird, broke the fishing line, and then, with a friend, cut the fishhook in half and removed it from the duck's bill / face. It seemed vigorous and healthy. When we released it, it flew away strong and fast. Good deed done.
See tag photo
Q: why did you upload this?
A: I like causing mischief
fancy hairdo!
The best views of a Green Heron I've ever got! They're smaller than I expected.
It stayed by the side of the pond, waiting for fish to pass by. Eventually, the hungry bird got its wish, snatching a tiny fish out of the water and eating it.
What a majestic bird, my first time seeing one!
Good to see the ole girl again....Funny thing is she kept swimming in closer, but she never slapped her tail this time! Usually she comes right over & glares at me, then slaps her tail at the dog!!
Video of The Incident™:
(16 baby geese total!)
An observer during the Women's March,
I watched this event for approximately sixty minutes, before leaving the area. I returned later to find that the elk survived.
first sighting of xanthochromic (?) EVGR in flock of regular EVGR
The American kestrel is the smallest of its North American relatives. It shows the differences in size typical among birds of prey, with the females being slightly larger than the males. This beautiful male was photographed while hunting for voles one sunny winter morning in February.
Long-eared Owls are medium-sized, slender owls with long ear tufts. I was pleasantly surprised to come face to face with this beauty one morning in January.
Such a bright male! I always find the snow makes them stand out even more!
There getting much closer, to cold to put my hand today!
Not in Captivity!
See tag
Q: why did you upload this?
A: I like causing mischief
there was two at this location. they both kept on coming right up onto the pathway so I got some pretty good photos.
he/she picked up two whole peanuts!
I have a 100 gallon tub of water near my house so wildlife can drink. Just as it was getting dark a short while ago something caught my eye and this small White-tailed buck came to drink. Somehow this fella got a plastic jug caught up in his velvet antlers...I hope he can get it off. I had to chuckle at this sight, however, something I had certainly never seen before. Anyway, he drank some water then trotted away. Hope he will be OK!
Dedicated this special duck for my 500th Obs. Calling it a Domestic due to the extra rusty colouring on the flanks. Kudos for the adaptations forced upon this individual due to his challenges: great balance, and enhanced mobility in the water using the stump like an steering oar rather than a deep paddle. Hoping to see him again soon to check his progress.
to many people hanging around.