From known locale.
Private location. Observed on the East side of the Andes in Ecuador at about 12,000 ft. Elevation
I came out for some blacklighting after pre Tropical Storm Alex crossed Florida from the west, passing near Lake Okeechobee. South Florida was doused with rain, some places reported 10+ inches in Miami-Dade county. Most of the rain stopped in the early evening. There was light wind and a small shower that passed over while I was blacklighting. Moon was illuminated around 26%, temps in the mid to high 70's.
I set up three sheets in total and the one near the beginning of the Anhinga Trail was dominated by aquatic insects including toe biters and water scavenger beetles. This observation is from the first sheet described below.
1: Near the beginning of the Anhinga Trail, facing North, lit by a bioquip blacklight connected to battery with 12v outlet made for jumping car/inflating tires:
2: Close to the beginning of the Old Ingraham Highway trail close to Royal Palm Visitors Center. Lit by two DJ blacklights connected to USB battery pack:
3: Further down the Old Ingraham Highway, but still not very far down the trail. Lit by two DJ blacklights connected to USB battery pack:
All of my blacklighting observations from tonight:
Here's a video showing the DJ blacklights in action at the Pinecrest campground (Big Cypress) from Summer 2019:
Info about the cheapy DJ blacklights used on the second and third sheet, great for getting started with blacklighting:
Blacklighting project for Florida on iNaturalist:
measurement taken with this method
Found under a rock. Coolest ants I've ever seen! I think some either had no eyes or extremely small eyes.
fedding the brood with a Geophilidae centipede.
Larvae kept excreting clear droplets concentrating the intake
Apalachicola National Forest, Forest Service Road 100, off FL-65
Treasure spindle-shell Dolicholatirus thesaurus, dredged by Rob de Little off Cape Raoul, Tasman Peninsula, September 2015. Until Rob started dredging out of Port Arthur a couple of years ago, this species had not been recorded any further south than Sydney. Rob had donated this specimen to the TMAG collections.
The Yasuni Trap Camera is a sharing Iniciative to promote the conservation of the Amazon rainforest with special interest in the Yasuni Biosphere Reserve.
I've paged through everything at, but no good matches.
Last image shows habitat
Location fairly accurate (along this trail in tall grass)
Bear Island, Big Cypress National Preserve
The left moss with red stems.
Las Vueltas Eco Lodge, Cerro de la Muerte, Costa Rica
The totally rare blue tassel fern. This species is at the top of the plant collectors list so I have not indicated the location. It is in the Cairns region.
About 1" long; unusual crimson and gold coloration. I've heard some Idotea species' coloration is variable, but this is ridiculous. :-)
Amazon River Dolphins or Botos (Inia geoffrensis) Mother and Calf underwater in Flooded Forest, Rio Negro, Amazonia, Brazil
Varios individuos de esta especie fueron sembradas por donación de Corantioquia en el acueducto aveza. Según información de la entrega, la especie es Magnolia yarumalensis