Gloeocantharellus is placeholder. Site #5. Cedar woods.
Under Norway spruce
Parasitizing Scleroderma sp.
See also obsv 236755759
Under spruce
Under Norway spruce
KOH: black (cap and stipe), burgundy (gills)
UV: orange (Stipe), negative elsewhere
Under Norway Spruce
Parasitized by Pseudoboletus parasiticus (see obs: 235220265)
Growing from a very decayed Norway spruce stump
Spore print dull salmon
Spores, hyaline, inamyloid, angular (6-sided), 10-11 um x 7-8 um
Under Norway spruce, mixed hardwoods including oak, hickory and beech nearby
Odor pleasant/citrus
Spore print white
Spores hyaline, 4-5 um x 2-3 um, appear nodulose/ encrusted in Meltzer's at 100X
Taste acrid
Collecteur : Renée Lebeuf, André Paul
Date de récolte : 13 septembre 2024
Localité : Shawinigan
Habitat : Forêt mixte d’érable, hêtre, épinette
Substrat : Sol, au pied d’une grosse épinette
Mode de croissance : Grégaire à cespiteux (une trentaine de spécimens)
Pileus 43-109 mm, plano-convexe, sec, glabre, blanc jaunâtre (4A2) au pourtour, jaune orangé pâle (41/2A3) au centre, étroitement et bassement costulé à la marge
Lames longuement uncinées et formant parfois un réticulum, très serrées, blanches avec un reflet jaune orangé, 5-10 mm de largeur
Stipe 42-58 x 11-18 mm, atténué à la base, semblant clavé mais en fait à base recouverte d’un épais manchon mycélien blanc englobant le substrat
Contexte blanc pur, épais
Odeur très forte, florale (?) mais avec une composante désagréable; saveur amère, sucrée
RÉACTIONS UV : pileus, stipe et contexte jaunes, lames violet pâle brillant
On very rotten mossy log and on soil beside. Oak, cedar, hemlock, maple. Lots! Vouchered.
Olive green tones cap & young gills. All parts crazy yellow green with UV (KOH parts turned blue with UV). Beside swamp - hemlock, birch. Oak not far away. Vouchered.
Quite yellow. All parts crazy yellow green with UV. Beside swamp. Oak, birch, hemlock. Vouchered.
E. asprellum? Microscopy. Vouchered.
Microscopy. Vouchered.
At base of spruce with lots of hemlock around. Tastes of radish and smells mild to strong. One part got nibbled and the damaged tissue displayed impressive fluorescence under 365nm.
Growing into the bark of a yellow birch. Sterile conch also present on the tree. Poor crest extending about 6 to 8 ft up the tree under the bark. Lightly fluorescent with 365 nanometer
03963 WF23-0237
I believe this is the collection I made... mycoprof
Russula "cadaveriolens"
DNA - ITS - Nanopore
Blackened by an hour. Taste and smell mild. KoH negative on cap and flesh. Flesh and stem bruising reddish within 10-15 minutes and eventually turning black. Brown cap that are riddled with bugs and heavily eaten, even the youngest specimen. Slimy. Yellowish 365nm fluorescence. Under spruce. Birch also nearby. Maybe also Russula dissimulans
Rhododendron, spruce, birch area between Cabin 13 and Cabin 15
Stinky, foetid
On Stereum complicatum. Some photos are in cotton blue (it's pretty obvious which). Spores are minutely warty (verriculose), about 10-11 x 3.8-4µm.
Erumpent. Crumbly/fragile, especially near the top.
nearly 2cm across. The peridioles are nearly the size of the fruiting bodies of the Crucibulum laeve on the upper left...
No smell, no taste. Growing on a log under maple, sweetgum, silverbell, hemlock, sourwood. Texture slimy, with tough brain-like gleba. Chewed texture gristly, or like a raw vegetable.
On black birch by stream, seems different than previous birch growing species, gills darker, not certain if from spores.
I don't exactly remember the name of this one, but it looks familiar and habitat is familiar growing on birch.
i think this is witch’s butter but i can’t say for sure haha