Screenshots from video so apologies for the poor quality.
Found by @u_phantasticus!
Male, "blinking" on and off by changing the angle of its body. Thank you @leslieh for the ID, it certainly had us stumped.
Site: San Miguel
Dave Rabanes, Salaya Beach Houses
Thanks for pointing these out @u_phantasticus. Amazing effort people are putting in to hand pollinate them in the absence of bats.
cutie found by @u_phantasticus
Extracted from wet Quercus leaf litter using a Tullgren funnel and collected, 825 microns in length, tentative genus ID, also posted to BG. Specimen photos taken at the California Academy of Sciences.
On rabbit poop on Selaginella cinerascens.
Lovely field notes by @u_phantasticus were carefully inspected and approved by the subject matter.
Making an assumption. Sitting on Disholcaspis sp. (potato stem gall)
5-mm gall or needle mine (?) at tip of needle cluster of a two-needled pine tree, maybe Pinus monophylla. Also posted to BG here:
I collected this structure and hope something emerges...
The host plant is here:
Note: likely a persistent bud scale per comments from others below.
Observation and photo by Robert Martinez, sent to