Looks like a baby one!
IDing the greish-whitish organism above the fin of the fish
IDing the seahorses on the right
Mum is still keeping an eye on junior @ Seaview Ave. Groyne.
This is a male Nesogobius sp 1 facing off against the goatfish U vlamingii.
What I couldn't show was the Nesogobius actually attacking the goatfish, and eventually driving it off. I have not seen such a small goby attacking a large fish. It reminded me of magpies and peewees driving off an eagle.
There were several spawning pairs of Nesogobius in the vicinity (see next obs) and several solitary males displaying intermittently.
One for your behaviour collection, Mark?
IDing the sea star
IDing the sea star
Night dive Blairgowrie pier
IDing the sea star
IDing the sea star in the middle