Photos / Sounds


Pennyroyal (Mentha pulegium)




July 9, 2015


This flower was found surrounding a pond and sent out this minty smell. It also does not contain petals but are in clusters of little tiny flowers in each stem. Also in the biggest main stem it had six clusters. The leaves are an issue to lead me to believe if this plant is actually an American Wild Mint. Because based on the leaves in the field guide "Wildflowers of North American" they are bigger then the plant I saw in the pond. However, the flower had the similar details of having a pointy wide leave like the one in the field guide. Instead of the flowers being pink I found it to be light purple.

Corn Mint - Photo (c) eugenezakharov, some rights reserved (CC BY-NC), uploaded by eugenezakharov
isamar's ID: Corn Mint (Mentha arvensis)
Added on July 23, 2015

Photos / Sounds


Pacific Chorus Frog (Pseudacris regilla)




July 9, 2015


This frog was found in the double pond with long, wet, green grass. Also this amphibian was green on top of its back with few bumps too. The four legs were yellow and had three slimy fingers. In its face it had a black strip going through its face. The eyes was black and the pupil was colored almost mixed of yellow and green. The stomach was none of these colors but particularly white almost. It was approximately more than two inches. The skin on its back was peeling off but it was really squishy and soft and it felt bumpy.

Pacific Chorus Frog - Photo (c) Thomas Barbin, some rights reserved (CC BY-NC), uploaded by Thomas Barbin
isamar's ID: Pacific Chorus Frog (Pseudacris regilla)
Added on July 23, 2015

Photos / Sounds


Western Forest Scorpion (Uroctonus mordax)




July 21, 2015


It was fat and wide so to me it indicated that it might be a female due to pregnancy. It was also at least 2.5 inches long. It was found under a rock near an oak tree. It had a brown stinger and had bright whitish, yellowish color. It had two pincers that were medium size. It ran off really quickly to hid under a stone and then bury itself.

Scorpions - Photo (c) Chad Keates, all rights reserved, uploaded by Chad Keates
isamar's ID: Scorpions (Order Scorpiones)
Added on July 21, 2015

Photos / Sounds


Chamise (Adenostoma fasciculatum)




July 7, 2015


It is a white petal flower with a bit of yellow tint in the middle as well as the pollen going out of the flower with some yellow vines. Flowers consisted of 5 petals each. The flowers are close together on each vine. Mostly gather together at the top of the vine and in the bottom these minute green leaves. Found in a shrub in the Chaparral area of pepperwood. It measured at least less than an inch. The shrub was nearly more than 3 yards. The flowers all where outside of the shrub and mostly green leaves on the center of the shrub. Made up of twigs and small branches. It crosses over very much.

Chamise - Photo (c) Cesar Guerrero, all rights reserved, uploaded by Cesar Guerrero
isamar's ID: Chamise (Adenostoma fasciculatum)
Added on July 8, 2015


  • 4 IDs made for others