Trying to get clean shots through the willow branches was not easy :(
Two flying overhead. The second photo with 2 birds is vertical :)
Two of them flying by.
Brewer's or Chipping?
The second day in a row of a predator/prey sequence. Yesterday it was a Peregrine Falcon and a blackbird ( Today it was a Sharp-shinned Hawk and a Sparrow. Not quite as good of a photo set today, though :)
I didn't realize that this was a Merlin as I was photographing it since the bird was so dark and it was pretty early in the morning (long shadows). I assumed it was either an accipiter or Peregrine Falcon. So this was a super cool surprise when I started going through my photos tonight :)
All of that said, flocks of blackbirds have been harrassing everything that flies in this area lately. So I guess this Merlin got tired of it (note the blackbird in its talons)!
Pretty far looks, but there's been a Tricolored Blackbird hanging out in this area for the past few days ( And, it looks like white on that shoulder patch.
Correct me if I'm wrong. Thanks :)
No white wing bars.
Here's an obs of a Nighthawk that happened to be hanging out really close to these Poorwills.
Hoping for a Bank Swallow, but maybe a Northern Rough-winged Swallow.
Thanks for your help!
I don't really keep track of a life list, but I've never seen this one in my life before :)
It appears to have been in this location for most of the day (first sighted on 4/1/24), so I'm hoping nothing is wrong with it. Looks healthy enough, though! A lovely bird :)
Flew overhead, didn't get a good look at the face/head. I believe it has a meadowlark in its talons
The wind is just causing the little dark spot under its head, almost like it has a collar :)