Voucher collection 10594dll was collected on 14 November 2023 by Casey Ledford from 141 Carter lane, Eureka, Humboldt County, California. Notes on the Macroscopic features of this collection were taken by Casey and Dave Largent. The description of the microscopic features and an ITS sequence will be forthcoming.
Habit and Habitat: Solitary in humus and alder leaves in fern grotto up stairs behind tractor port
Found in fog drip saturated Sequoia sempervirens dominant coastal forest with Pseudotsuga menziesii and Notholithocarpus densiflorus understory MMWD
Growing in Sequoia sempervirens duff
Blue stiped Entolomataceae with a completely inverted cap. Lamellae grayish
Smell indistinct
Thin crust with white margins extending into stringy white rhizomorphs, on fallen chamise branch. Black perithecial ascomycete pathogen(?) embedded in crust.
Size: 4cm across. 1-3mm lobes. KOH: Neg. Notes: No apothecia, subtle pruina on lobes, marginal paler lobules(?) Possibly a Pannaria sp.
Pulvinate grey squishy fruit bodies on fallen chamise wood, some tightly clustered or cespitose, some tessellated on surface of wood. Seemed fresh and non-lichenized but looked like lichen and could be?
Voucher collection 10592dll was collected on 14 November 2023 by Casey Ledford from 141 Carter lane, Eureka, Humboldt County, California. Notes on the Macroscopic features of this collection were taken by Casey and Dave Largent. The description of the microscopic features and an ITS sequence will be forthcoming.
Habit and Habitat: Solitary in humus and alder leaves in fern grotto up stairs behind tractor port
Voucher collection 10591dll was collected on 14 November 2023 by Casey Ledford from 141 Carter lane, Eureka, Humboldt County, California. Notes on the Macroscopic features of this collection were taken by Casey and Dave Largent. The description of the microscopic features and an ITS sequence will be forthcoming.
Habit and Habitat: Solitary in humus and alder leaves in fern grotto up stairs behind tractor port
Voucher collection 10590dll was collected on 14 November 2023 by Casey Ledford from 141 Carter lane, Eureka, Humboldt County, California. Notes on the Macroscopic features of this collection were taken by Casey and Dave Largent. The description of the microscopic features and an ITS sequence will be forthcoming.
Habit and Habitat: Scattered in humus in fern grotto above stairs behind the Tractor Port
Voucher collection 10589dll was collected on 14 November 2023 by Casey Ledford from 141 Carter lane, Eureka, Humboldt County, California. Notes on the Macroscopic features of this collection were taken by Casey and Dave Largent. The description of the microscopic features and an ITS sequence will be forthcoming.
Habit and Habitat: Scattered in humus in fern grotto above stairs behind the Tractor Port.
Macroscopically the mushrooms in this collection resemble those of Entoloma subgenus Nolanea because of its acute umbo, encrusting pigment and its Translucent striate pile
Voucher collection 10588dll was collected on 14 November 2023 by Casey Ledford from 141 Carter lane, Eureka, Humboldt County, California. Notes on the Macroscopic features of this collection were taken by Casey and Dave Largent. The description of the microscopic features and an ITS sequence will be forthcoming.
Habit and Habitat: Scattered in humus in fern grotto above stairs behind the Tractor Port.
Macroscopically the mushrooms in this collection resemble those of Entoloma fuscatum and the microscopic features are very similar as well. Thus this collection has identified as E. fuscatum. Because its distinctive cheilocysyidia and its pleurocystidia, this species should be placed in Rhombisporum clade.
Voucher collection 10587dll was collected on 9 November 2023 by Casey Ledford from 141 Carter lane, Eureka, Humboldt County, California. Notes on the Macroscopic features of this collection were taken by Casey and Dave Largent. The description of the microscopic features and an ITS sequence will be forthcoming.
Habit and Habitat: Solitary in humus in fern grotto above stairs behind the Tractor Port.
Macroscopically the mushrooms in this collection resemble those of Entoloma subviduense but the microscopic features are completely different. Thus this collection has tentatively placed in Entoloma subgenus Cyanula.
Under canyon live oak, Jeffrey pine, knobcone pine, with manzanita and white fir nearby. Discoid/angular with silky yellow cortina persisting and becoming shaggy, attached to edge of abruptly bulbous base. Very slow (~2 minutes) pink-red KOH reaction on stipe and cap. Stipe yellow UVF like Leprocybe, becoming more neon-blue/green/yellow where stained by KOH. Gills with mottled yellow-green UVF. Mild taste. Petrichor and watermelon rind odor.
In moss and liverworts with bay laurel, coast live oak nearby. Cap striated with fine scales. Stipe smooth, concolorous with cap. White gills. Minimal basal tomentum
Irregularly shaped cups with curled, white-rimmed margin, sparse subiculum composed of hyaline hairs, on wet coast live oak wood buried in leaf litter
On well-decayed conifer log near Chromosera. No hairs at base of stipe, odorless, pure white gills
Partially buried in soil under Abies concolor, near Pinus jeffreyi and Quercus kelloggii.
Odor floral.
Exterior UV+ orange-yellow. Young flesh UV+ bluish.