There is a foundation of the occurrence of hybridization in the California Oaks. Recognizing these hybrid taxons is challenging as the number of recognized taxons is considerable and resource material for the identification of the hybrids is scant. John Tucker provided a good review of oak hybridization with guidance for recognizing hybrid taxa in the field. Recent genetic work is laying a foundation that is confirming the the nature and extent of the hybridization.
The text below may be imported into a spreadsheet and will provide a quick resource for the identification of the known hybrids of the California section Quercus oaks. The spreadsheet is derived from the Jepson Flora Project (eds.) 2021, Jepson eFlora,, accessed on December 30, 2021 and is a matrix of the California section Quercus with an annotation of the known hybrids, marked with an "X" or the published hybrid name.
Quercus,berberidifolia,cornelius-mulleri,douglasii,dumosa,durata,engelmannii,garryana,var. breweri,var. garryana,var. semota,john-tuckeri,lobata,pacifica,,W. Transverse ,San Gabriel,San Bernardino,Peninsular Range,San Jacinto,Inner NC Range,Outer NC Range,Sacramento Valley,San Joaquin,N Coast ,C Coast,S Coast,SF Bay,Inner SC,Outer SC,n C Islands,s C Islands,,Klamath,H NC Range,,Cascade Range,Cascade Foothills,,n SN foothills,c SN foothills,s SN foothills,,n SN,c SN,s SN,Tehachapi,,Modoc,Warner ,,Desert Mt,Mojave Desert,Sonoran Desert
douglasii,,,sp,x,,,xeplingii,,x,,xalvordiana,xjolonensis,,,,,,,,,,y,y,,,,y,y,y,,y,,y,,,,y,,y,y,y,,,,,y,,y,y,, ,,
engelmannii,x grandidentata,×acutidens,,x,,sp,,,,,,x,,,,y,,y,y,,,,,,,y,,,,,y,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
pacifica ,,,,,,,,,,,,xmacdonaldii,sp,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,y,y,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
Copy and save the data as a CVS file, then open with a spread sheet.
This matrix also contains a annotation of the California Floristic Providences where each taxa occurs.