October 7, 2024

Death - Encounters in this urban HELL!

Despite the barren desert and fragmentation of activity in a city like the good ol' Bean-town, one process has always remained abundant for all to encounter: death.

Amidst the f******* hideous light gray buildings of my college campus, death is everywhere. My roommate (@imogendaszak) and I walked by a completely pancake-flattened rat in the dining hall's cul-de-sac. It did not escape the throes of the dreaded rubber tire.

And then there are the pigeons... oh.... the pigeons...
This deceased one (also encountered by Imogen and I) lay depressingly behind a chain-linked fence at the local park. I wonder how many animals, critters, people have lost their livelihood in this urban oasis (SARCASM!).

What else is dying? Well, a lot of things...including the egos of students taking illicit mushrooms in their dingy dorm rooms, etc. etc. blah blah... word-play and all that. As sad as it might all be, I must NOT let my spirit and wonder wilt and die alongside these things.

Keep the heart open! Stay positive... even with the onset of winter.

Posted on October 7, 2024 07:53 PM by codycrosbawesome codycrosbawesome | 2 observations | 3 comments | Leave a comment

September 17, 2024

My first journal

Greetings to my iNaturalist fans.
This is my first journal post on this site. In fact, I was not even aware of this feature until about 1 minute ago.
How astounding that people across the world can come together and form this network of nature enthusiasts, with sprinkles of experts and dimwit dumbasses like myself in the mix...

Hemlock Varnish Shelf. A find for the ages...
Actually, not actually that crazy. But in the midst of a lonely, daunting summer, a red shimmer in the midst of the forest delighted me so. Harvest the shelf I did (I only harvested one). Dehydrate it I did.
And make the bitter-est, most disgustingly murky tea I did.

Stay tuned for more updates.

Posted on September 17, 2024 07:10 PM by codycrosbawesome codycrosbawesome | 1 observation | 1 comment | Leave a comment
