Journal archives for May 2021

May 10, 2021

Field Journal #8

I made observations over two days for this entry.

Day 1:
Start: 2:31 pm
End: 4:15 pm
Location: Airport park
Weather: Partly clowdy, 63 degrees fahrenheit
Habitats: Easter white pine stand, striped maple stand, deciduous trees, open air.

Today I saw a dissapointing amount of birds but heard many of them. A lot of the birds I heard I could not identify. They all felt so close but most of them were out of sight. A notable find was a pileated woodpecker which I first heard the drumming of, then the call, and finally I saw it.

Day 2:
Start: 1:30 pm
End: 2:00 pm
Location: The Old North End
Weather: mostly sunny, 61 degrees fahrenheit
Habitats: rooftops, deciduous trees

Dissapointed with what I found yesterday, I walked around my neighborhood today looking for birds and didn't find many birds either, although I did not walk for very long. I heard a bunch of calls I couldn't recognize but I was able to clearly identify some House Sparrows and Rock Pigeons.

Posted on May 10, 2021 08:26 PM by jonsolomon jonsolomon | 9 observations | 0 comments | Leave a comment
