Journal archives for June 2024

June 29, 2024

Tree Sap: Great Attractor for Insects

On June 19, 2024, I observed Bald-faced Hornets, Nessus Sphinx Moths, an Epione Underwing Moth, and Hackberry Emperor Butterflies feeding on sap oozing from a white oak tree (Quercus alba). Several species of ants were also attracted to the sap. The hornets fought with the other insects and themselves. Apparently they didn't learn the sharing lesson in kindergarten. While I've lived at this location for almost 30 years, this is the first time that I've seen Nessus Sphinx moths. It's only the second time that I've observed an Epione Underwing moth. If you see sap oozing from a tree, stake it out. Insects are bound to show up. And, there may be some species arrive that you typically do not see at a location. The insects become so focused on feeding that they become somewhat oblivious to the photographer.

Posted on June 29, 2024 06:27 PM by kencheeks kencheeks | 4 observations | 1 comment | Leave a comment
