August 08, 2024

Key to Cerambycidae of Canada and USA

I would eventually like to make an update illustrated key, but I am only on person and still have a long ways to go of learning the fauna. This journal will serve as a place for me to put keys as I go so others can use them. I will eventually create a Google site and embed the actual keys (with pictures) when I have finished a few, but until then, it is not worth publishing the website.

**Spondylidinae key to Genus**

1 Antennae attaining extreme base of elytra at most (a)…...………….……………..1
1' Antennae surpassing base of elytra (b)…..…...………………………........……………..3

2 (1) Antennomere II about half as long as III; following segments longer than wide. Pronotum
narrowed posteriorly. Color entirely black, rarely reddish. Western North America
(a)………...………………………….............................…Neospondylis Sama [p. X]
2’ Antennomere II nearly as long as III; following segments wider than long. Pronotum
rounded, not narrowed posteriorly. Color reddish-brown to brown. Eastern North America
(b)………...……………………..................................................Scaphinus LeConte [p. X]

3 (1) Integument with dense conspicuous, erect pubescence……………………………4
3' Integument with sparse, appressed pubescence at most ……………………........5

4 (3) Pronotum densely pubescent with two longitudinal glabrous regions, sometimes
connected, and a small median callus. Elytra widest at base, narrowing apically; sutural
pubescence luetus (a) …………..…..................…...………....Atimia Haldeman [p. X]
4' Pronotum without glabrous median region. Elytra elongate, subparallel; sutural pubescence
white (b)……………………………...…..................................…….Paratimia Fisher [p. X]

5 (4) Pronotum armed with upturned lateral spine. Elytra elongate oval, wings lacking. Ant
mimics (a)………………………………………........................Micthisoma LeConte [p. X]
5' Pronotum umarmed. Elytra subparallel, bearing wings (b)…..…………………….6

6 (5) Eyes entire or shallowly emarginate (a)………………………………...........…….……...7
6' Eyes completely divided or deeply emarginate (b)…………..………………….....….8

7 (6) Antennomere III longer than I. Pronotum often with pair of impressions on disc. Protibia
with one apical spur (a)…………..................….…Arhopalus Audinet-Serville [p. X]
7' Antennomere III subequal or shorter than I. Pronotum without impression on disc. Protibia
with two apical spurs (b)…………………….....................Asemum Eschscholtz [p. X]

8 (6) Eyes completely divided. Head width noticeably small than pronotal apex . Throught North
America (a)…………………….……….…Tetropium Kirby [p. X]
8' Eyes deeply emarginate, but not divided. Head subequal in width to pronotal apex. Western
North America. (b)…………..………………..Megasemum Kraatz [p. X]

Posted on August 08, 2024 04:27 PM by kenneth_g kenneth_g | 1 comment | Leave a comment
