Photo guide for New Zealand's filmy ferns
We've just put a draft photo guide to Aotearoa's filmy ferns onto Te Papa's website.
The 28 pages can be freely downloaded as a pdf from this link.
If you're already comfortable identifying filmy ferns, this still might be a useful resource to share with those who are learning, including on iNaturalist.
Also at that link above are draft photo guides for New Zealand's tree ferns, Blechnaceae, Lycopodiaceae, and Pteridaceae.
Feedback welcome.
I'm thinking I might next work on Dryopteridaceae and Aspleniaceae, but am open to requests.
[Tagging those with the most Hymenophyllaceae observations and identifications in New Zealand during the last year]
@brucedc, @johnb-nz, @h_rogers, @joedillon, @chrise, @hngamoki, @bevc, @lisa_bennett, @benjansss, @naturewatchwidow, @emily_r, @lcolmer, @reingered, @chrismorse, @dave_holland
@barbaraparris, @mark_smale, @david_lyttle, @lloyd_esler, @dhutch, @tramperjames, @john_barkla