Journal archives for September 2012

September 30, 2012

In the beginning...

So, as I seem fairly new to this sort of thing, I am planning on taking my camera out to the botanical gardens to snap some lovely pictures of birds that are native to this area. I also plan to take samples of pond water algae, Brisbane River water and a few local flowers. Each of these I plan to view under 400x magnification.

My main objective is to find differences in structure and pollen between different varieties of bottle brush flower, and possibly their surrounding leaves.

I guess I should start looking for some projects. While my main objective is to observe and record, that has been done numerous times by the local government. Our local museum is full of lovely taxidermied specimens. I guess I'm doing this mostly for my benefit, and for the benefit of this web site.

I hope all goes well.

Posted on September 30, 2012 12:36 PM by tangerinelemons tangerinelemons | 1 comment | Leave a comment
