Journal archives for October 2022

October 3, 2022

Awesome Job!!

Starr Elementary has done an awesome job in the bioblitz. Keep up the great work.

Posted on October 3, 2022 12:34 PM by tzeducation tzeducation | 0 comments | Leave a comment

Great Work!!

Keep up the good work! See if you can document another dozen plants/animals before Friday.

Posted on October 3, 2022 01:39 PM by tzeducation tzeducation | 0 comments | Leave a comment

Try to Identify

We're glad you've made a number of observations but try to identify some of the observations you've made. You may be omitting a step in the process. Once you upload the images, you then need to click "what did you see?" Once you click that, iNaturalist will provide ID suggestions for you. Then select the best choice out of the five or so given.

Keep it up! See if you can ID the next dozen images you upload.

Posted on October 3, 2022 01:56 PM by tzeducation tzeducation | 0 comments | Leave a comment

Good Diversity!

The prairie at St. Patrick of Heatherdowns has a great diversity of plants. One of the only prairies in Project PRAIRIE that has whorled milkweed...and a decent quantity too!. Other interesting finds are stiff sunflower, lots of stiff goldenrod and a few tall grasses like Indian grass and big bluestem. Very nice prairie indeed!

Posted on October 3, 2022 08:59 PM by tzeducation tzeducation | 0 comments | Leave a comment

October 5, 2022

Great Job!

Perrysburg JHS has done a great job documenting the plants and animals in your school prairie for the bioblitz...outstanding!!

Keep up the good work...only a few more days to go.

Posted on October 5, 2022 08:05 PM by tzeducation tzeducation | 0 comments | Leave a comment

October 6, 2022

15 More Species!!

As of 8am EDST on Thursday, October 6, the 2022 Project PRAIRIE Bioblitz has produced 1,192 observations of 304 species by 105 observers. The 2021 Project PRAIRIE Bioblitz produced 1,170 observations of 318 species by 42 observers. We've already surpassed 2021 numbers of observations and observers. We need only 15 more species this year to surpass 2021. We can do it! Let's find 15 additional species by the end of the day Friday, October 5th.

Posted on October 6, 2022 12:18 PM by tzeducation tzeducation | 0 comments | Leave a comment

October 7, 2022

Bioblitz Extended!

Good news!! I'm extending the 2022 Project PRAIRIE Bioblitz for an additional week, ending on Friday, October 14 at midnight. This will give everyone, especially those who have yet to post data, a chance to get in the game. I'll post more updates next week. Good luck!

Posted on October 7, 2022 06:13 PM by tzeducation tzeducation | 0 comments | Leave a comment

Way to Go Glenwood!

Great job Glenwood!! I'm glad you joined the bioblitz. Lots of good stuff on your prairie. The whorled milkweed is a very good find. Keep up the good work. I've extended the 2022 Project PRAIRIE Bioblitz through October 14 so you have more time to collect additional images for iNaturalist.

Posted on October 7, 2022 07:02 PM by tzeducation tzeducation | 0 comments | Leave a comment

October 19, 2022


A big "Thank You" to all of the participants, observers and identifiers who participated in the Toledo Zoo Project PRAIRIE 2022 Bioblitz. The final tally for this year:

Observations - 1,347
Species - 317 - Plant species - 198 (62.5%); Insect species - 78 (24.6%); Mollusk species - 4 (1.3%); Arachnid species - 9 (2.8%); Reptile species - 2 (0.63%); Bird species - 4 (1.25%); Mammal species - 2 (0.63%); Fungi species - 19 (6.0%)
Identifiers - 161
Identifications - 1,721
Observers - 134

For comparison, here is the 2021 Bioblitz tally:
Observations - 1,217 - Plant species - 209 (64.3%); Insect species - 85 (26.2%); Mollusk species - 2 (0.62%); Arachnid species - 8 (2.5%); Reptile species - 5 (1.5%); Bird species - 3 (0.92%); Fungi species - 6 (1.9%)
Species - 326 -
Identifiers - 237
Identifications - 1,753
Observers - 45

All in all, the 2022 Bioblitz was comparable to 2021. One big exception though was the number of observers. That jumped three fold, from 45 to 134 which is fantastic.

There will likely be more posts in the days and weeks to come. If you have images you took during the Bioblitz period with the date/time stamp, those will be counted so if you have a few you haven't posted, please take the time to do so.

Again, thanks to all who participated.

Posted on October 19, 2022 08:08 PM by tzeducation tzeducation | 0 comments | Leave a comment
