J. Sayers

Joined: Dec 14, 2022 Last Active: Sep 7, 2024 iNaturalist Australia

big plant and bug fan !!! I only have any technical academic experience with botany (BSc plant sciences major) but im mainly using inat to learn more about invertebrates at the moment.

NB !!

  • if you're identifying something for me and you have the time to spare i would really appreciate it you could write something about what characters/features inform your identification or any general advice/tips, as i'm very interested in learning! But no worries if not!
  • you can safely assume that 90% of my initial identifications for my observations are from the inat image recognition -- my workflow is generally to go with that (or with a very high-level ID if that isn't working) just for the sake of speed, and then if im going to use specific resources or guides etc to id sth more precisely/certainly i will go back and add a new ID, revoking the old one.
  • If I revoke my ID after you have added an identification it will be because my one was either purely based on the image AI or was just a very tentative guess by me that I have no confidence in, and your one (presumably backed by more rigourous knowledge) contradicts it. If i have any confidence in my own id because i have looked into it properly myself i will keep it, but since atm im mostly posting observations of things i dont know well this won't happen that often.
  • most of my location settings are entered by hand and are accurate mostly to 'locality' level ie if i found something at Reserve X I'll put the map pin down somewhere in that reserve but not the exact place.

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