Jairo Pinto

Joined: Jun 19, 2020 Last Active: Jul 15, 2024 NaturaLista Colombia

Director-Curador General Herbario J.J. Triana (HJJT), Fundación Trópico Alto. Interés en la flora y vegetación de la alta y media montaña norandina: páramos, bosques altoandinos, subxerofitia del altiplano, Isoetes, Pteridophyta!
Director-General Curator, J.J. Triana Herbarium (HJJT), High Tropics Foundation. My research is focused on Neotropical high-middle mountain flora and vegetation: páramo, high Andean forests, sub-xerophytic ecosystems (Bogotá High Plane). Working towards mountain regional floras, with emphasis on Isoetes and pteridophyta.

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