ONG SOS Biodiversity

Joined: Jul 25, 2019 Last Active: Jul 25, 2024 iNaturalist

SOS Biodiversity is a beninese Non-Governmental Organization (NGO). It is an apolitical, social and non-profit organisation ; created on September 18, 2016. SOS Biodiversity is reflected as a space for exchange and reflection around the major challenges of the planet, such as climate change, deforestation, food security,... SOS Biodiversity includes experts in several disciplines (plant and forest ecology, marine and inland water ecology, wildlife, agricultural diversity...) and fields (plant production, animal production, forest and rural sociology, environmental law...).
Its mission is to carry out actions for the sustainable management and conservation of biodiversity that include the different strata of society, particularly young people and women.
The general objective of SOS Biodiversity is to protect the environment, manage biodiversity sustainably and enhance biological diversity in Benin

In a specific way, it aims to:

◦ Conduct scientific research to contribute to the improvement of knowledge on biodiversity (agricultural, forestry, etc.)

◦ Maintain food security through the conservation and enhancement of wild forest species and endogenous agricultural varieties

◦ Restoring, creating and sustainably managing protected areas

◦ Train, raise awareness and provide information to the population on topics relating to environmental protection and the sustainable management of natural resources

For more details about the organisation's activities :

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