Projects from Afghanistan

Aquatic insects icon

Aquatic insects

Discover the aquatic insects of the world, as they are very important in the ecosystem.
Birds of Asia icon

Birds of Asia

All birds of all Asian countries from the East to the West.
Butterflies in Türkiye and surrounding countries icon

Butterflies in Türkiye and surrounding countries

Türkiye ve çevre ülkelerdeki kelebekler
Butterflies of Afghanistan icon

Butterflies of Afghanistan

This project serves to record butterfly species found in Afghanistan
Fauna of Central Asia icon

Fauna of Central Asia

Discover animals from Central Asia.
Himalayan selected species icon

Himalayan selected species

Himalaya mountains have a collection of cold and drought hardy species.
iNaturalist du Monde icon

iNaturalist du Monde

Aventurons nous, explorerons et partageons la faune et la flore du Monde. Projet créé par : "lafaunesauvag...
Low Growth Countries and Territories icon

Low Growth Countries and Territories

Countries with low growth in iNat observations in 2023. Based on the [2023 Year In Review](https://www.inat...
Megascolia of Western Palearctic icon

Megascolia of Western Palearctic

This projects aims to elucidate the phylogeny and distribution of the genus Megascolia Betrem, 1928 in the ...
Moths of Afghanistan icon

Moths of Afghanistan

A collection project for moth observations from Afghanistan, contributing to the umbrella Moths of Asia pro...
neglected areas - North & Central Asia (Invertebrata) icon

neglected areas - North & Central Asia (Invertebrata)

... if you wanted to improve coverage of Invertebrata observations, have a look here. Countries, and provic...
Pygmy grasshoppers in the Holoarctis icon

Pygmy grasshoppers in the Holoarctis

Most of Tetrigidae observations in iNaturalist originate from the Holoarctic region (North America, North A...
S-Oases: Biodiversity in/of oases icon

S-Oases: Biodiversity in/of oases

We are creating an open-source database (S-Oases: Senckenberg Oases database) on oases with extensive bibli...
Species of South Asia icon

Species of South Asia

A project to collect all the species of South Asia on iNat. Let's expand our South Asian naturalist community!
Symphyta of the Palaearctic realm icon

Symphyta of the Palaearctic realm

Erfassung aller Daten der Symphyta der Paläarktis
Terrestrial Isopoda (Oniscidea) of ex-USSR and adjacent territories icon

Terrestrial Isopoda (Oniscidea) of ex-USSR and adjacent territories

Данный проект создан для наблюдения за биоразнообразием мокриц (Oniscidea) постсоветского пространства и пр...
Tetrigidae in South and South-East Asia icon

Tetrigidae in South and South-East Asia

The family Tetrigidae comprises of small Orthopterans commonly known as Pymgy grasshoppers which are commo...
The Stans icon

The Stans

Just Stans
Tiger beetles of the Palaearctic icon

Tiger beetles of the Palaearctic

We gather data on the tiger beetles (Cicindelidae) of the Palaearctic realm.
World Oceans Week - 2023 icon

World Oceans Week - 2023

This project is to recognize World Ocean Day June 8th, 2023 70% of the eart...
Z-Draft beroe mitrata icon

Z-Draft beroe mitrata

draft project
Z-Worldwide Marine Life icon

Z-Worldwide Marine Life

Contains organisms that would be found living in the marine environment. This is a work in progress. Diadro...
Млекопитающие Южной Азии icon

Млекопитающие Южной Азии

Виды млекопитающих Южной Азии
Опасные животные Азии icon

Опасные животные Азии

Список опасных животных Азии
Птицы Южной Азии icon

Птицы Южной Азии

Список птиц Южной Азии
Шмели Казахстана и Средней Азии/Bumblebees of Kazakhstan and Central Asia icon

Шмели Казахстана и Средней Азии/Bumblebees of Kazakhstan and Central Asia

Шмели Казахстана, Средней Азии и Афганистана. Списки видов по странам размещаю в журнале проекта. Bumbl...
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