Finishing up our Trip

In the final third of our trip, we blazed a trail from the southernmost part of Arizona all the way back to Las Vegas, allowing for plenty of naps in the van. Our first stop on the way out from Borrego Springs was Organ Pipe, where we got to see the park's namesake while we hiked the Bull Pasture trail. The climb up certainly had its difficulties, but the summit was well worth it, with a great view of the valley to both sides of the vista and a great chance to work on our tans. Coming down from the same climb, I was able to photograph some ferns and even a selaginella plant (which I always thought was much rarer than it actually is).
From Organ pipe, we made our way to Phoenix where we were given a tour of the desert botanical gardens there. Here we learned more about the research arm of botanical gardens as we were shown the labs and herbarium operating there. And if that wasn’t interesting enough, we got a sneak peek into the greenhouses behind the main buildings, showcasing more different kinds of succulents and desert plants than I had previously seen. Our day in Phoenix was finished with a stroll through the gardens themselves and the chance to see all the flowering plants they had on display, along with a couple birds attempting to sneak a meal.
Finally, we visited the canyons of Coconino county on the way to Flagstaff and the Grand Canyon. With the change in elevation, we saw a distinct change in the ecosystem, with more flowing water and a colder climate. This allowed for a diverse display of mosses and bryophytes on the rock faces and a forest filled with Douglas firs and other conifers. The Grand Canyon itself was nothing like I envisioned (not like it’s a bad thing), filled with junipers and pinyon pines to accompany every vista. The canyon also included several different animals, the most noticeable being the elk we managed to approach (despite the bus’s warning). I was definitely sad to leave but on the bright side, I get to look forward to sleeping in my own bed!

Posted on March 25, 2018 05:34 AM by dtadelhelm dtadelhelm


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