Farewell, Joelle!

Photo: Joelle Belmonte

Alas, Joelle, our designer, has decided to move on to greener pastures, making her our first ever staff departure. We'll miss you, Joelle! I remember several conversations with Scott around the time we joined CalAcademy that ended with the agreement, "We need a designer." We interviewed a few, but Joelle was the only one who showed up with an iNat account and a bunch of suggestions on how to improve the look and the experience of iNaturalist. Joelle jumped feet-first into the job, but also into being a naturalist, cultivating a passion for dragonflies that I hope will continue. She has always given us great-looking designs, and, perhaps even more valuable, the perspective of a new or not-quite-as-obsessed member of the naturalist tribe. She and I didn't always agree on matters of taste, but looking back on screenshots from before she started it's clear what an enormous improvement her work represents. I'd post those pre-Joelle screenshots, but, uh, they're embarrassing.

Anyway, good luck, Joelle. We'll certainly miss your contributions to iNat, but we'll also miss your commitment to costumes and unexpected dart obsession. I'll personally miss having someone to commiserate with about Game of Thrones and Star Wars (and I seriously need to vent about Solo!).

P.S. Oh fine, here's a comparison of obs search before Joelle and after:



Posted on June 11, 2018 07:44 PM by kueda kueda


We'll miss you @joelle!

Posted by loarie over 6 years ago

@joelle thanks for making iNat a better place! :)

Posted by bouteloua over 6 years ago

Awww.... that was sweet! Thanks for he kind words, everybody!

Posted by joelle over 6 years ago

@joelle was a pleasure to work with and be around. We'll miss you!

Posted by tiwane over 6 years ago

So thankful for @joelle's great work! And for the screen shots for comparison :-)

Posted by carrieseltzer over 6 years ago

thanks for everything @joelle! it was great working with you, many best wishes for the future!

Posted by alexshepard over 6 years ago

Thanks @joelle! iNat won't be the same without you. Best of luck on your next ventures

Posted by pleary over 6 years ago

Thanks again, guys! Best wishes!

Posted by joelle over 6 years ago

It was such a pleasure and joy to meet you on a few occasions, Joelle! Great job, and please stay in touch! :)

Posted by sambiology over 6 years ago

That's too bad, but glad you were here to do what you did @joelle !

Posted by charlie about 6 years ago

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