Go, Christchurch, Go!

The Global City Nature Challenge is on! We started off with just a few observations at midnight, but now the sun is up, the weather's lovely, and it's time to get out there and spot as much as we can!

If, like me, you're an observer who needs help with identifications: please don't fret if your photos don't get identified quickly during the event. Several of the local experts who are top identifiers on iNaturalist.nz will be rushing around making observations for the next four days so may be pressed for time! The good news is that we have a full week after the event to get everything identified, so we will have time to catch up on IDs then.

A couple of key tips to help with identification are to take a few different photos (for example, showing the overall size and shape of a plant, plus closeups of leaves, flowers, berries), and to add a very general label for your observation. Even labelling your observation at a broad level - as a Plant, for example - is helpful.

Posted on April 25, 2019 08:00 PM by laura-nz laura-nz



Posted by tripleaxel about 5 years ago

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