結果共有! 皆さま、お疲れさまでした! Thanks everyone and sharing the results with you




色々な観点で集計してもらった結果。。。。Tokyoチームは、何と!!!、Research Gradeの割合で世界全体で2位になりました。と思いきや、40位以下でした。読み違いだったようです。。。。(涙)





来年も日本あるいは他の国で生き物観察してもらえるようなお時間ありましたら、City Nature Challengeへのご協力を引き続きよろしくお願い申し上げます。


Thanks for your superb cooperation. Here is the link of the result for CNC 2019. We, Tokyo team, are behind 40th in terms of the percentage of research grade species among verifiable species. Though the rank is average, without your kind cooperation, it cannot be met. Thank you very much! Please look at the following link if you would like to read the detailed.


Hiromi & Taku

In addition, here is the message from Alison, Lila, and Amy, global CNC 2019 organizers!

Thank you so much to all of you! We are truly amazed at what we've done together. Attached you'll find a workbook of results - it's an Excel workbook so you can all have your own copy to sort, explore, create new sheets in... enjoy! Also attached is an infographic summarizing some - but certainly not all! - the results, which you're welcome to share. Read the whole email to get a sense of all the ways we're looking at results, then jump into the attached workbook!


Observations 963773
Species 31,000+
Observers 35126

Congratulations to our cities with the most observations, species, and observers:
City # Observations
Cape Town 53763
La Paz 46931
San Diego 38241

City # Species
Cape Town 4588
Hong Kong SAR 3596
Houston 3367

City # Observers
San Francisco 1947
Los Angeles 1555
La Paz 1500

We'll be sending out a press release soon that you can modify for your city, but enjoy this tidbit from it now:

World by the numbers
35,000+ observers
912,927 observations submitted to iNaturalist and 963,773 total across all platforms
Contributors averaged 30 observations each
More than 31,000 species documented, including over 1100 rare, endangered, or threatened species
Most observed species: Common dandelion (Taraxacum officinale)

World highlights
Highlights from around the U.S. and the world include the endangered Indo-Pacific Humpback dolphin in Hong Kong, an Andean condor (the largest flying bird in the world) circling the mountains of Bolivia, the first-ever iNaturalist observation of a beautiful orchid in Colombia, a swallow-tailed kite dropping an iguana mid-air in Miami, an African leopard in Cape Town, festive tiger beetles in Colorado, and African penguins walking the beach. The first-time participation of cities around the world, especially in areas that were less well-documented on iNaturalist prior to the Challenge, have added species that have never been recorded in the platform’s history.

While these are the "big three" numbers that are most obvious, we also looked at the results in many many other ways! Please be sure to explore the workbook attached and check out the "Summarized Results" sheet to see the top cities for all of our results. For example...
Port Aransas, Lake Charles, and Torreon had the highest percentages of Research Grade Observations
Omaha, Chiayi, and Cape Town had the highest percentages of Research Grade species
Tena had the most observations, species, and observers for the "smallest cities" both in terms of population and area... and Angel R. Cabada, Port Aransas, Luxembourg, Leicester, and Duluth are all represented in the top three as well.
In terms of results by climate:
San Diego lead all three categories for arid climates
Chicago, Halifax, and Minneapolis/St. Paul dominated boreal climates
Tena, Klang Valley, Miami, and Mazatlan represented equitorial cities
Cape Town, La Paz, Hong Kong, San Francisco, Los Angeles, and Houston are in the top for warm temperate cities
In just the 4 days of the City Nature Challenge...
Tena increased it's total number of observations on iNaturalist by 2529%, Leicester by 1618%, and Port Harcourt by 923%
La Paz added 2273 species to its place on iNaturalist, followed by Tena with 2272 and Klang Valley with 1707
Number of observers in Tena increased by 269%, by 216% in Port Harcourt, and by 158% in La Paz.

And for cities who participated in the 2018 CNC...
Buenos Aires had a 1386% increase in observations this year, followed by Hermosillo at 502% and Prague at 380%
Buenos Aires found 496% more species this year, then El Paso at 161% and Prague at 128%
Prague had the biggest % increase in observers at 631%, then Buenos Aires at 483%, and Boulder at 279%

There are even more results to explore! It would be great if you would share results in your City Nature Challenge project as well - feel free to look through and tailor some results for your city.


Posted on May 7, 2019 11:42 AM by souke souke


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