iNaturalist Training Online - Hands on Training @ Home!

Hi - Greater San Antonio Metro Area iNaturalist
(Counties : Bexar, Wilson, Guadalupe, Comal, Kendall, Bandera, Medina, Atascosa and Kerr)

Hope all is well - as we shelter in place or work from home. Hands on training that can be done at home. Webex - by Molly Keck Bexar AgriLife and Craig Hensley – Texas Parks & Wildlife Dept Biologist Texas Nature Tracker.

Already know iNaturalist , please send it on to a friend(s) / family members that may be interested in nature and want to learn more!

DATE – Tuesday, March 31st
HOSTED BY: Craig Hensley
TIME – 10:00 -11:30 am, break for lunch and do your own nature walk.
1pm – log back in to discuss our findings and ask any questions of Craig!

The weather is beautiful and we all could use some time outdoors, so I have a reason to get outside…and you’ll be contributing to science and having fun at the same time! March 31st at 10am, Craig Hensley, Texas Nature Tracker Biologist, will be providing an online training on how to utilize the iNaturalist app and why it is so important to our community. Please see link to live and interactive webinar below. This is something that can break the boredom of sheltering in place and also be an excellent way to get kids outside and enjoying and observing nature.

iNaturalist is a citizen science project and online social network of naturalist, citizen scientists, and biologist built on the concept of mapping and sharing observations of biodiversity across the globe! I love to use iNaturalist as a way to identify unknown plants, insects, and other living things. But the information we provide to iNaturalist through just snapping pics with our phones provides valuable data to science research projects, conservation agencies, other organizations and the public!

It is extremely important that you download iNaturalist App from application store on to your phone or tablet beforehand CALL ! (Hint: Also its easier to setup your profile on Review your defaults - like your time zone and your default location. )

If you have a child interested (13 years or younger) , use the youth friendly version – “Seek by iNaturalist” is the version you want to use!

No need to RSVP, just mark your calendar.

Copy this link to your browser

Be Healthy and Safe.

Best Regards,
Peter Joseph

Posted on March 30, 2020 04:40 PM by peterjoseph peterjoseph


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