Summary of First Day

Good morning! The world and the City Nature Challenge are looking very different from what we expected when we started planning, but I'm comforted by how much is the same. Our trainings and our kickoff were virtual this year, not in-person, but everyone exuded the same spirit of excitement and collaboration as in previous years. Many of us can't get to our favorite spots because of travel restrictions, park closures, increased obligations at home, health issues or safety choices, but collectively we are still making some great finds!

We've had the month of April, declared City Nature Month by regional organizers, as a warmup. Species in the top 10 for City Nature Month that were not, as of midnight on Friday, as highly ranked for CNC-DC are Virginia spring beauty, common violet, redbud, and bluebells, reflecting that they are by now past their peak of bloom and not catching the eye as much. New species in the top 10 for CNC that were not there for CNM are Virginia creeper, cardinal, bush honeysuckle, and poison ivy. At the other end of the species leaderboard with just one or two sightings so far are ruby-throated hummingbird, savannah sparrow, indigo bunting, green-and-gold, black cohosh, and many other charmers that I hope we'll be seeing much more in the coming days.

Even after the rain ended, yesterday was an overcast, gloomy, glowering day, with bursts of biting wind. I found it hard to get enough light on my subjects. I kept thinking my lens was dirty! I felt silly submitting some really poor pictures, especially after the excellent webinar by @treegrow and @ana_kaahanui on taking great pictures for iNat. I always appreciate the patience and good humor of the identifiers! Thank you to the folks at the top of the identifiers leaderboard: @carrieseltzer, @tlit46, @erininmd, @nanjemoycreek, @jsulzmann and @jraiford, and also to big CNC-DC ID'ers who are not even on our area, such as @tsn and @davidenrique. We really appreciate you!

Posted on April 25, 2020 11:47 AM by dbarber dbarber


Great job, everyone!

Posted by carrieseltzer over 4 years ago

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