August 19 Leo Carrillo State Beach

I am going seriously stir crazy with the heat hampering my ability to get out and explore. So, this morning I headed for the beach. I’ve been staying in Studio City more since the shutdown ... as such it’s more of a trek to get to the ocean, but I hadn’t been out there for awhile. I arrived at 9 AM and street parking was surprisingly easy. But it was already quite warm...83 according to my car’s thermometer. And the humidity was high. I combed the beach for detritus and came up with quite a few different things. One of the more interesting was I believe a sheep crab leg..still waiting on ID but it was I think about a foot long. I understand they’re fairly common here but for some reason this was the first one I’ve run into.

After looking over the beach as the tide was rolling in, I headed over to the state park. Already it was getting very steamy and there were a lot of cars coming into the lot as well as many people wandering around in general. I didn’t have patience to look for much and headed back over to the beach side where at least there was a minimal breeze. My best find there was a wandering tattler, a bird I don’t see very often and have never seen anywhere in the LA area except the Ballona area. It was foraging alone. I’ve heard there are more of these around this year. I had hoped to see more seabirds and or dolphins but there was nothing close enough to photograph or ID.

Posted on August 20, 2020 01:38 AM by naturephotosuze naturephotosuze


Photos / Sounds


Sheep Crab (Loxorhynchus grandis)




August 19, 2020 08:58 AM PDT


Leo Carrillo
I believe this was at least a foot long but I should have included something for scale

Photos / Sounds


Wandering Tattler (Tringa incana)




August 19, 2020 09:41 AM PDT


Leo Carrillo


Great finds today! Your excursion has yanked at my heart strings as it's been too long since my toes have touched the sand. Looks to me that even though you weren't at a low tide, you found a lot to observe, so I think it's time to get out there. Thanks so much for the much needed push :)

Posted by scubabruin about 4 years ago

Yes, I was surprised how much was there. Maybe because there weren't too many people there yet. I have sometimes gone and seen almost nothing. And I wasn't even in tide pools..everything with the exception of one thing was on the sand. I'm glad I inspired you. I just wish things weren't so crowded all the time.

Posted by naturephotosuze about 4 years ago

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