Three new questions — too many?

Hi everyone!

We added a few more optional questions following some excellent conversations, but we want to hear your feedback.

Are there too many questions? Which questions are confusing or awkward? Please share your perspectives by commenting below or contacting @jmhulbert.

The below optional questions were just added:

  • Optional - Were there any other unhealthy plant species on the site?

    Please indicate if you noticed any other unhealthy plant species on the site.

  • No selection

  • Not sure

  • Yes (please identify other species in notes)

  • No

  • Optional - Timing of symptoms estimate
If you observed the onset of the symptoms, when did they first begin to appear?
    • No selection
    • Not sure
    • This is the first time I have seen this tree
    • Symptoms first observed in 2021
    • Symptoms first observed in 2020
    • Symptoms first observed in 2019
    • Symptoms first observed 2018
    • Symptoms first observed 2017
    • Symptoms first observed 2016
    • Symptoms first observed in 2015 or before (please estimate year in Notes)
    • Other (please comment in Notes)

  • Optional - Estimated time spent to make this observation (# of hours)

    Please estimate how much TOTAL time was required to make this observation (include transport, hiking, time spent uploading this observation, etc). Please indicate the number in hours (15 min = 0.25, 30 min = 0.5, etc). This info will be averaged.
    • Enter a number

  • We also added the option 'invasive plants present or growing on tree' to the question about other factors.

    Your feedback welcome! Thanks

    Posted on April 5, 2021 10:23 PM by jmhulbert jmhulbert


    Good idea to add the question about other invasive plants growing on the tree.
    Suggestion for the estimated time question - maybe change this to number of minutes. I found that I do not have a period option to be able to enter a time less than an hour. For me, most entries are taking less than a half hour.
    Where can I find more information about the evidence of diseases in western red cedar that you are looking for?

    Posted by milesca over 3 years ago

    Hi @Milesca,

    Thank you for the feedback! Very helpful. We've switched the question minutes, hopefully that works better. We're working on a guide for the different health categories with @alexis459, but there are a couple examples here: in the mean time. I will try to add some more examples to that page over the weekend.


    Posted by jmhulbert over 3 years ago

    I also found the time spent a little confusing at first, just went through and modified it on the desktop. Also, the description for the time and some other fields gets slightly cut on my phone, might be the case for others too.

    You had asked me about getting better answers for the hydrology question. I hope maybe after taking my soils classes in the fall I might have some more specific ideas, However, for the time being, I think the main issue is going to be with people not really understanding what soil hydrology is and how to determine what is well draining vs wetland. Perhaps more descriptions of the 3 classes would help teach the community. Maybe deducing the most likely situation from slope type and existing soil maps would help? A question about really basic soil type might help with that inference, i.e sandy, loam, clay. I'll keep thinking about it.

    Posted by whiteaeros over 3 years ago

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