Congratulations on a Successful City Nature Challenge!

Hello, and thank you for participating in the 2021 City Nature Challenge: Western NC!

We surpassed all three benchmarks over our 2020 project, which is fantastic! More people posted more observations of more species this year than any year Western NC has participated- and that's all due to your efforts. Thank you! Internationally we placed 50th for overall observations and 25 for species in the world! Way to go!

In addition, we had several individuals post over 100 observations. A big thanks to those in Club 100! Please send me a private message or email me at with your mailing address so we can send a North Carolina BioBlitz patch your way.

I'm also excited to announce the winners of our regional competition. This year's Western NC winners are:

Top Observations:
1st: woodbridge
2nd: jackollis
3rd: caseygirard

Top Species:
1st: lenrely
2nd: kylezjones13
3rd: naturalistjennie

Congratulations to these winners! Also kudos to catattack, our winner of the internal NC Arboretum Staff competition!

Winners: Please let me know if you'd be interested in dropping by the NC Arboretum to pick up your prize package. Alternatively we can mail these to you. Please email me at to let me know your preference.

Thanks again! I look forward to another City Nature Challenge in 2022!

on iNaturalist: jmarchal

Posted on May 11, 2021 01:09 PM by jmarchal jmarchal


It was such a cool competition-thanks for all of your work jmarchal! Participating made me much more aware of the diversity of species (beyond plants) in western NC.

Posted by woodbridge over 3 years ago

Thanks also to folks who helped out (and continue to do so) by adding IDs to others' observation. Without you, all the data collected would have less value. Still lots of observations to ID! So far, @davidenrique, @dsmorris, @trscavo, & @kloughran each have over 100 IDs. @davidenrique & @trscavo also each contributed more than 100 IDs to the 2020 WNC Challenge - nice work!

Posted by eraskin over 3 years ago

Evan, thanks to all of your help, too. I have been learning from your identifications and you did a ton of work.

Posted by woodbridge over 3 years ago

Yes, thank you, Evan, for doing what you are doing to help with ID's and for calling attention to those who have put that time in as well! We should consider ensuring we're celebrating our identifiers in this as well, and I'll keep that in mind when planning 2022. Thanks!

Posted by jmarchal over 3 years ago

I'd like to say this is the most enjoyable one of these I've done. When I found out I live on the edge between Western and Charlotte Metro I set out to win them both. Tip for next year: I hiked my trails a week in advance taking notes of species and things I couldn't identify, only to find many of them had disappeared! Thank you Margaret Woodbridge and Jack Ollis for making it so competitive. The conservation of species is the most important calling I know of.

Posted by lenrely over 3 years ago

So glad you enjoyed the City Nature Challenge this year, Bob! You all gave me a run for my money this year, and I think we turned out a great effort collectively in an important annual documentary of our region's biodiversity. Thanks to all!

Posted by jmarchal over 3 years ago

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