BioBlitz Calendar

If you would like to have a BioBlitz added to this calendar please message me through iNaturalist and make sure to include:
Sponsoring organization
Contact information or URL to same (even better is a URL to the project page here on iNat)
Specimen collecting allowed?

I am not affiliated with any BioBlitz that appears on the calendar but would like to share the word of these events to other iNaturalist users.

Posted on January 27, 2016 06:09 PM by finatic finatic


Just saw this. I'll post if I hear of anything.

Posted by silversea_starsong over 8 years ago

This reminded me that I half built a thing like this a while back: You can also filter by place, e.g. California: The main drawback is that for some reason Google doesn't want to incorporate the ICS URL. It also kind of crowds things when you include really long-running bioblitzes like

Posted by kueda over 8 years ago

Ken-ichi, I'm more than happy to discard this calendar and have your calendar serve that purpose. Or I can keep this one going and do the work of adding events to it. The outcome will be the same, somewhere that naturalist can look to find events with like minded people.

Since many BioBlitzes are grassroot event the word doesn't get around a whole lot about upcoming events. I wanted to have a central location where people can look for something that they might not otherwise know about. I'm fortunate that I get to travel around to a degree and would attend a BioBlitz nearby if I knew about it and could work it into my schedule.

I don't think there is much value to adding long running events or ones that encompass large areas (like a county). I see these as a project and not a targeted event.

The nice thing with Google calendars is that access can be granted to multiple people for adding events. If this idea takes off I would love to expand it to have someone in Mexico, New Zealand, Australia, etc have control to add events for their "area" too.

Posted by finatic over 8 years ago

Awesome! I don't have much to add except that Carrie is the one to ask about this. Will let you know of anything I hear about (or Ken-Ichi if we decide to use that other calendar instead!)

Posted by charlie over 8 years ago

Oh, beautiful, beautiful, beautiful. I love this calendar. How awesome is it when doing a bioblitz, someone out there ID's an organism during the event?!? So yes, I am going to update my personal calendar with the upcoming bioblitzes to help out with ID's.

So, do you want the dates of upcoming local bioblitzes? I have a few on my calendar already that I'll be participating in:
April 22-23, Tandy Hills BioBlitz, Fort Worth, TX
April 30, White Rock Lake, Dallas, TX
May 15, Twelve Hills Nature Preserve, Dallas, TX

@carrieseltzer can update us on the locations for the bioblitz's on May 20-22.

LOVE this.

Posted by sambiology over 8 years ago

@sambiology let me know the sponsoring organization and contact information for each and I'll add them.

Posted by finatic over 8 years ago

Tandy Hills Bioblitz - Friends of Tandy Hills:
White Rock Lake - Native Plants and Prairies Day, North Texas Master Naturalists:
Twelve Hills - North Texas Master Naturalists:

Posted by sambiology over 8 years ago

Ok, I fixed up the iCal feed, so now Google will understand it. If you add a new calendar by URL, you should be able to use something like I also added that eventsonly param to exclude bioblitzes that are scheduled to last more than 2 weeks. You can configure the URL by using the filters at and copy the URL for the "Add to Calendar" button (which is really a link).

I don't think this needs to replace your calendar, BJ, since I think there's always going to be value in manual curation (e.g. you can exclude people's test projects etc). Is there a way to make a curated calendar that includes events from another iCal URL?

Posted by kueda over 8 years ago

Thanks for doing this, @finatic ! I wonder if I can get three people interested in joining me for a road trip from the Bay Area to the Death Valley Bio-Blitz scheduled for March 12? I'd be happy to drive. I could leave either Thursday or Friday before that day. How about it, @robberfly, @leslie_flint, @dpom , @rebeccafay , @kestrel , @kschnei ?

Posted by gyrrlfalcon over 8 years ago

Death valley bioblitz? That sounds awesome. Got to find a ride from LA somewhere...

Posted by silversea_starsong over 8 years ago

Can't make it to Death Valley unfortunately, but it does sound very cool!

I would plead with @finatic and others to try to figure out whether specimen collecting is allowed for individual bioblitzes, since this is required for the species-level ID of many inverts and makes a big difference to me about whether I attend... thanks!

Posted by kschnei over 8 years ago

I'm hoping to go to the Death Valley BioBlitz myself. The problem for me is that I won't know if I can get that Friday off work (for the drive) until that week. But I want to go. Death Valley should be in high bloom with the rains from this winter. They had lots of rain early and hopefully will be getting more before the Big Day.

@kueda , I need to look into that later. Right now I'm not aware of how it can be done. I didn't know about that page. If I had I probably wouldn't have created this calendar. But looking at the events on there so man of them are ones that fit into the "project" group instead of "event" grouping. Also, if you and or Scott want someone from iNat to be on the calendar let me know and grant full access.

Posted by finatic over 8 years ago

Good point @kschnei I'll add that at the top.

Posted by finatic over 8 years ago

@kschnei as far as I see it the bioblitz is on National Park land so provided you have the permits it seems like there would be no issue. That will let you collect on the land so really they can't really prevent you from doing so provided you have those permits on hand.

You would do best to contact the NPS email for verification, though, can be found here:

Posted by silversea_starsong over 8 years ago

Here is what we have so far for 2016 w/ @kestrel :
UC Berkeley Campus
UC College of Natural Resources, Cal Academy
url to come

McLaren Park, San Francisco
Nerds for Nature, Cal Academy
url to come

Millerton Creek Ranch, Point Reyes, CA
Marin Agricultural Land Trust, Cal Academy
url to come

UC Santa Cruz Campus and Reserve
Ken Norris Center for Natural History, UC Reserve System, Cal Academy

Posted by rebeccafay over 8 years ago

wow death valley bioblitz. Near our baby's due date so needless to say we won't be going but i can't wait to see what people find! I will help with ID in the few cases I can (i am not a desert expert)

Posted by charlie over 8 years ago

@silversea_starsong, I'm a bit confused about your permit comment. There aren't going to be many people with blanket permission to collect on National Park lands, so no, I don't have permits. But perhaps you're asking if the organizers have gotten the necessary collection permits for the event? That is what I am hoping would be posted for everyone to know in advance. Some of these bioblitzes, in my experience, only allow photos and no specimen collection.

Posted by kschnei over 8 years ago

Hello all... This is SUPER neat! My name is Liz and am working on the Death Valley NP BioBlitz. If you are interested, please contact me at

Posted by resourcesdeva over 8 years ago

I'm all over it, kids. Mission Blue monitoring begins but...I think I can play hooky. Jenn, I got a tent and gas money. Road trip!

Posted by robberfly over 8 years ago

Here's the second URL for the 4/30 bioblitz at UCSC and Younger Lagoon - since it's two separate sites we have two bioblitz projects set up for it:

Also we have a new Cal Academy & Sonoma County Parks bioblitz partnership - we're hoping to do a bioblitz in a Sonoma Co. park every other month, starting in March. The first one is 3/5 at Doran Beach. We'll have the project page made for it shortly. For scientists interested in helping with these and also wanting to collect, the Sonoma County Parks Resource Manager is happy to help you secure the permits - you just need to let us know!

I'd love to do the Death Valley Bioblitz, but as a marine biologist, I don't know how much help I'd be! :)

Posted by kestrel over 8 years ago

Thank you everyone for the support and sending the information. Wow, April 30th is going to be a busy day on the iNat servers. 4 different events (so far). I changed the requirements at the top to have the URL to the iNat Project as the best option though an external link is also possible.

I've added all the events that I am aware of. Many don't yet have all the information that someone would need who would be attending from afar but it's a start.

@kestrel GO to Death Valley if you can make it. There is an endemic pupfish there for you :-) And you'll learn a lot, especially if @gyrrlfalcon is there. And @charlie the birth of the baby could be done at Death Valley. That's no excuse.

For new events, please message me here on iNat. Though I like all the comments here I'm fearful of missing an event or some detail in the thread. And if you need anything changed that I've posted please do the same.

Posted by finatic over 8 years ago

What a great idea, @finatic and @kueda!

BJ, where are you planning to be May 20-21? There will be about 100 bioblitzes to choose from :-) We (Nat Geo) are working on a map of BioBlitz locations and I'll let you know when that's available. It might make sense to make one event for May 20-21 that links out to that map since otherwise there will be an overwhelming number of events on those two dates. Here's a simpler preliminary map from NPS here.

Tagging @kellycoy and @forester93 because they are closely involved on the NPS side and will have the most up-to-date information about all of the National Parks that are participating.

Posted by carrieseltzer over 8 years ago

Carrie, I'm hoping to attend the event at Cabrillo here in San Diego on those days, though Joshua Tree sounds like fun at that time of year.

I already have an event for Cabrillo, but I think your suggestion is a much better idea since listing 100 individuals would be nuts.

Posted by finatic over 8 years ago

I've got discussion of this calendar added to our agenda for a National Park Service Centennial BioBlitz data management call tomorrow. We'll start working on a strategy to get events fed in.

Posted by forester93 over 8 years ago

Woohoo. Thanks @forester93
If you're going to have lots of events iI can give you access to add them yourself. Just send me a message and I'll reply.

Posted by finatic over 8 years ago

Excellent idea! I am in NYC. I will let you know if I hear of any bbs here in the northeast anywhere around the Tri-State area. I am a bit out of the loop, so I don't always hear about local Bioblitzes, but I will ask my contacts to try to remember to let me know.

Posted by susanhewitt over 8 years ago

ontario bioblitz in the toronto area, june 11-12. i will be there!

Posted by leannewallis over 8 years ago

Hi everyone. The weekend of May 20-21, or shortly beforehand, I'll be arriving in Colorado, where I'll be spending the summer (May-October) working retail at the Alpine Visitor Center gift shop at Rocky Mountain NP, so I'd likely be able to help out with a BioBlitz there, though I don't see one on the schedule for RMNP yet. Having never been to Death Valley, I'd love to road trip with someone up there to go birding for the March 12 weekend, though since I don't have a driver's license yet I'd need to get a ride up there from the LA area with somebody else. Regardless of what happens, I want to help out any way that I can. Hopefully I can insert my way into at least one of these Blitzes. Good luck to all!

Posted by john8 over 8 years ago

Wow this is great! I have been extremely busy the past couple months and never quite got our BioBlitz planning at the Sonny Bono Salton Sea NWR off the ground. Whenever I have the time to finally get one established I will definitely let you know, although at this point it probably won't be until the fall/winter as it will be heating up down here real soon.

Posted by matthew_salkiewicz over 8 years ago

Thanks BJ. I'll be checking it and if anyone wants to do one near Barstow I am game. Documenting the area soon would be great. I don't think we are too many around here. Anyone wanting to visit is welcome to contact me. Unfortunately, I have been too busy to do much documenting but hiking and documenting weather is just about "ripe" here. I am new to this area so suggestions are also welcome.

Posted by microm over 8 years ago

Wow! This may be the straw that broke the camel's back. We've been 'talking' about a Bio-blitz at LLELA far to long. Will definitely post our date.

Posted by mchlfx over 8 years ago

Hey everyone,

So cool to see the bioblitz movement gaining speed! Just want to offer a resource that @rebeccafay and I made about how to host a "grassroots" bioblitz - based off an outline made by Nerds for Nature. We've hosted a bunch of grassroots-style bioblitzes with a suite of partners; here's an example from one:

After holding a workshop on how to host a bioblitz of this style, we developed this short (5 pages) guide with 10 steps that we generally follow pre/during/post bioblitz. We made it primarily for the attendees of the workshop, so feel free to send me a message if you have questions about anything. Totally happy to chat about successes and challenges of grassroots bioblitzes!

Here's the "10 Steps to Bioblitz Takeaways":


Posted by kestrel over 8 years ago

Just saw this! I'm going to Death Valley too and definitely want to meet up with anyone else going!

Posted by sea-kangaroo over 8 years ago

Hi BJ! Thanks for putting this out there. The Cabrillo event will actually be the 21st and 22nd of May (that Saturday and Sunday). I know the national event is the 20th and 21st, some of the parks are going a little earlier or later. @sidesplotch @patsimpson2000 @finatic

Posted by steph_taylor over 8 years ago

inspired by @kestrel 's linking a 77 page document on how to plan/produce a blitz from the ontario bioblitz website, in case it is of interest to anyone putting on a blitz:

Posted by leannewallis over 8 years ago

@sea-kangaroo, our lab from CAS will be going to death's the only NP one I can make since I'll be in Australia April - June.

Posted by screws over 8 years ago

@screws i hope that means some awesome Australia observations!

Posted by charlie over 8 years ago

@chiriria I've updated the calendar.

Posted by finatic over 8 years ago

Wow, it looks like the Death Valley blitz is being overrun with iNat power users. So awesome. I plan on being there so am looking forward to meeting many of you for the first time in person.

Posted by finatic over 8 years ago

@chiriria @finatic Cabrillo National Monument will also be having an intertidal blitz on March 6 during low-low tide. If you could add it to the calendar, that would be great. It's a bit of low-key affair not to be advertised too broadly b/c park staff can only deal with so many folks in those zones at once. I don't have precise details yet, but will provide as I learn more.

Posted by forester93 over 8 years ago

@finatic OK, so according to my source for the Cabrillo National Monument bioblitz on March 6, "The time in the tidepools will be 11:30am - 3:30pm, as the low tide is at 1:40pm. Actually, its only a -.89', so noon to 3pm is a better answer. Low key, so interpreters explaining BioBlitz to visitors in zone 1 during those hours, but no public festivities like there will be for the upland regular BioBlitz."

Posted by forester93 over 8 years ago

@finatic you should probably give @forester93 calendar access since he is an important point person within NPS. Simon do you want to use the bioblitz gmail account?

Posted by carrieseltzer over 8 years ago

@forester93 I've added it. And as Carrie said, I can grant you calendar access if you want it.

Posted by finatic over 8 years ago

Right on BJ, I'm late to this conversation but I think this is a great idea!

I'm actually working on getting a bioblitz set up at Cal State Channel Island in Camarillo at the western Santa Monica Mtns., so if anyone is interested in attending/helping over the weekend of April 16th let me know. The area around the campus has a nice diversity of flora (e.g., dudleyas, eriogonums, etc.) and some good birding habitat as well.

It's not finalized, it needs to be run through the right channels at the University, and the facilities for pre and post "blitzing" are still being determined, so that process is ongoing. Once it is firmed up I'll be sure to send it your way for an addition to the calendar and hopefully some of the folks on this board and elsewhere on iNat can attend.

Posted by zabbey over 8 years ago

yeah CSCI is a neat area...some good agricultural weeds too (though some might argue that ain't a good thing :) ).

It is too bad so many nice birding areas were recently barred any access because of development and irresponsible visitors.

Posted by silversea_starsong over 8 years ago


Yea that is true, both points you bring up. People have a knack for ruining good things. But I think we could get permission to survey those areas if we approach the issue correctly, I know a large number of the department heads (mainly bio and envior sci) who might be able to help us with the access issue.

You were actually someone I had in mind with regards to this bioblitz, since I know you are familiar with many of the local flora and fauna, and you know how to navigate iNat, both of which will be a great assets to the blitz if you are available. I'll keep you in the loop as things progress!

Posted by zabbey over 8 years ago

@zabbey @silversea_starsong yeah that is a really neat area albeit indeed blocked off in many cases and also surrounded by way excessive suburban sprawl and over development. But... I was able to go into some of that area when I was working on the natural community map as we were granted access to some areas that the general public can't access. In any event I can't be there but will help with IDs :)

Posted by charlie over 8 years ago

Much appreciated as always Charlie!

Posted by zabbey over 8 years ago

@zabbey I'm looking forward to the CSCI and hoping that I can make it up there for it.

Posted by finatic over 8 years ago


I'd certainly be happy to help out. I'd like to check out some of the lichens up around there also, though I know many of them are now placed by man. But my attendance, as with all of these, ultimately relies on getting transport there.

Posted by silversea_starsong over 8 years ago

humans have placed lichens in the Conejo Hills? Non naturalized lichens? Was that part of some sort of Lichen restoration? weird.

Posted by charlie over 8 years ago

we need a crowdsourced effort to buy @silversea_starsong a helicopter or something

Posted by charlie over 8 years ago

@charlie Niebla restoration to support the Dudleya.

Posted by silversea_starsong over 8 years ago

interesting! neat, if also confusing.

Posted by charlie over 8 years ago

@hennda - wanted to get you into this conversation in case you are planning any Blitzes at the wonder that is Chautauqua NWR!

Posted by gyrrlfalcon over 8 years ago

@charlie if a free helicopter can take me to death valley and back, that'd be nice :)

Posted by silversea_starsong over 8 years ago

BJ, that would be great if you could make it, the waste water treatment plant pond, which would be in the survey area is a great place for waterfowl and flycatchers.....pretty sure that least Bell's vireos have been seen in that area. I know I've seen em on Conejo Creek but that wont be in the survey area...

James, you live in the agoura area right? If thats the case I'd be happy to pick you up and get you back once the event is done....assuming that all the details get lined out in time, which I am still working on with the University folks. I live in the area so it's not that far outta the way for me.

Posted by zabbey over 8 years ago

Bell's vireos and yellow-breasted chat definitely in that area. Zack, yes I live in Agoura Hills :)

Beside BJ, is anyone going to the Death Valley bioblitz actually coming from southern CA?

Posted by silversea_starsong over 8 years ago

@zabbey, @silversea_starsong, @finatic: I live in the Glendale area. Although I'm closer to the 210, the junction for I-5 north is not too far from where I live, and in theory I could be picked up as well en route to Death Valley (like James, I can't drive and would need a carpool), for anyone taking that route up from southern California. I'm more than happy to pitch in for gas, of course, in addition to providing the Blitz with another set of eyes and ears.

Posted by john8 over 8 years ago

I wont be making it out to the death valley blitz but ill keep you in the loop for the CI one john.

Posted by zabbey over 8 years ago

Want to make sure @lhiggins and @smartrf get their bioblitzes on here!

Posted by kestrel over 8 years ago

Yep @smartrf will be ON IT!!! #SnailBlitz and our upcoming #BugBlitz for the national BioBlitz in May...and of course something for #CitSciDay 2016!!

Posted by lhiggins over 8 years ago

@dyeany2 - in case you know of, or are organizing Bio-Blitzes, I wanted you to be aware of this! I am proud to say @finatic is a friend of mine!

Posted by gyrrlfalcon over 8 years ago

@natureali - this is the calendar BJ has started for Bio-Blitzes. There's more info re. the Death Valley BioBlitz. Come join the fun! Great to see you!

Posted by gyrrlfalcon over 8 years ago

Hi all,

I added a BioBlitz Guide attachment to the Cabrillo National Monument intertidal blitz event on the calendar for March 6th. Alex Warneke at the park was excited for me to share the event with the iNat community. Hope many of you can make it - should be some really interesting species to observe.

Posted by forester93 over 8 years ago

I might be able to make the Cabrillo intertidial blitz. My tide pool denizens list is still at 0 so it would be nice. No promises though :)

Posted by silversea_starsong over 8 years ago

wow March 6th is coming up fast! When will the Project page be up @ forester93 and will you link to it here?

Posted by loarie over 8 years ago

@loarie I'm working on the Project page this morning, but first reading about changes to how projects work. I'll link it in a post when it's up and add the link to the calendar entry too.

Posted by forester93 over 8 years ago

@forester93 Looks like the guide you posted on the bioblitz calendar for the Cabrillo event is set as private - can you change the permissions so that anyone with the link can view it? Thanks!

Posted by kestrel over 8 years ago

@kestrel Doh! Technologically challenged again! I think I fixed it - try it out and here's the link too

Posted by forester93 over 8 years ago

@forester93 Great, works now! Wish I could be there on Sunday - had a great time iNatting the Cabrillo intertidal when I was down there in November!

Posted by kestrel over 8 years ago

@kestrel I wish I could travel to more of these NPS Centennial bioblitzes, but I'm only officially able to go to the big event in DC in May.

Posted by forester93 over 8 years ago

@silversea_starsong @finatic Cabrillo Intertidal BioBlitz project is up at

@loarie Will you be able to upload the updated boundary for Cabrillo before the event?

Posted by forester93 over 8 years ago

@forester93 Thanks, I joined it. Looks like the rain is going to be hitting us on the 6th. "Scattered showers", 0.09 inches, doesn't sound bad though.

Posted by silversea_starsong over 8 years ago

@forester93 yes we will get the latest version of the NPS boundaries up today

Posted by loarie over 8 years ago

Hi all,

I posted a pile of new projects (and associated events on this calendar with links to the projects) for the National Park Service (NPS) bioblitzes that are being conducted for the NPS Centennial. This is not the final list - there will be over 100 total bioblitzes. This is just the list of projects I've been able to create so far. Here's a list in chronological order:

3/6: Cabrillo National Monument (
3/12: Death Valley National Park (
3/19: Lake Mead National Recreation Area (
4/22: Great Smoky Mountains National Park: North Carolina side (
5/5-5/7: Knife River Indian Villages National Historic Site (
5/6: Jean Lafitte National Historical Park and Preserve (
5/12: Great Smoky Mountains National Park: Tennessee side (
5/16-5/21: Channel Islands National Park (
5/16-5/21: Santa Monica Mountains National Recreation Area (
5/20-5/21: Weir Farm National Historic Site (
5/20-5/22: Gates of the Arctic National Park and Preserve (
5/20-5/22: Great Basin National Park (
5/21: City of Rocks National Reserve (
5/21: Gulf Islands National Seashore (
5/21: Montezuma Castle National Monument (
5/21: Wind Cave National Park (
8/20: Tumacacori National Historical Park (
8/27: Hawai'i Volcanoes National Park (

Posted by forester93 over 8 years ago

Another NPS Centennial BioBlitz project:

5/20-5/21: Indiana Dunes National Lakeshore (

Posted by forester93 over 8 years ago

Thanks for adding all those events. I love Jean Lafitte National Historical Park and Preserve. Too bad I won't be there this year.

Posted by finatic over 8 years ago

@finatic Yeah - we had a National Park Service/National Geographic Society big bioblitz at Jean Lafitte in 2013. This was before we started using iNaturalist and I had to manage paper datasheets going into a custom database. I only made it out of the data center briefly with @geobudde to wander the boardwalk in the Barataria Preserve. It's a totally different world.

My how times have changed now that we're using iNaturalist and doing >100 bioblitzes for the NPS Centennial this year.

Posted by forester93 over 8 years ago

yeah i helped with a bioblitz pre inaturalist several years ago for a park. The park did a good job with what they had but yeah... not really that fun. Its time hadn't come yet. I wish I was able to go to more of these but we are having a baby so limited travels this year :)

Posted by charlie over 8 years ago

@charlie a baby isn't an excuse. It is never too early to get a kid interested in nature! LOL.
Yeah, I participated in a bioblitz close to a decade ago. I was on the bird team and didn't hear about the results of the overall bioblitz. iNaturalist will help with getting findings much more public.

Posted by finatic over 8 years ago

we've already got several baby carriers... if anything the slowdown of having a baby with me may cause me to find even more things to put into iNaturalist. And when she gets a little older she can help.

Posted by charlie over 8 years ago

@charlie Having a spotter much closer to the ground can't hurt. :)

Posted by forester93 over 8 years ago

@forester93 Thanks for coordinating calendar entries with @finatic

Posted by geobudde over 8 years ago

For those of you lucky enough to be able to make it to the Cabrillo National Monument Intertidal BioBlitz on Sunday (, have a great time and make lots of good observations.

For the rest of us, don't forget to check in on Sunday and help ID what's being found ( Speaking as a National Park Service employee, I'd just like to say thank you in advance for your interest in and support for the bioblitzes happening this year for the NPS Centennial. I already know what a tremendous resource the iNat community is and I'm excited for my colleagues to make the same discovery.

Happy blitzing!

Posted by forester93 over 8 years ago

Another NPS Centennial BioBlitz project:

5/20-5/21: St. Croix National Scenic Riverway (

Posted by forester93 over 8 years ago

I don't have all the information yet, but there will be a rare mid-week bio-blitz at Fitzgerald Marine Reserve in Moss Beach, California (San Mateo county) June 8 and 9. @rebeccafay and @kestrel may have more info.

Posted by gyrrlfalcon over 8 years ago

The Fitzgerald Marine Reserve Bio-Blitz will be co-sponsored by Sequoia Audubon, San Mateo County Parks, California Academy of Sciences, and, I believe iNaturalist and Nerds4Nature

Posted by gyrrlfalcon over 8 years ago

@gyrrlfalcon Let's keep the FMR bioblitz off the calendar for now, since we're still working out with SMCP and FFMR how many people they're comfortable with having on the reef for the bioblitz. We're probably going to have to really limit attendance and may have to keep it to invite-only.

Luckily there will be lots of coastal bioblitzes going on in California during that week - we'll be adding them here:, and to the bioblitz calendar for those that are open to the public!

Posted by kestrel over 8 years ago

Oh, OK - that wasn't explained to me. Hope I get an invitation!

Posted by gyrrlfalcon over 8 years ago

Ha, of course you'll get an invite! :) Navigating the FMR politics is just tricky - @rebeccafay and I have spent many fun hours doing just that, trying to get some intertidal monitoring done there! :)

Posted by kestrel over 8 years ago

Is it possible that the outlying areas - not the intertidal ones - could be a more open bio-blitz area? Traditionally, the stream side and cliff areas have been vagrant and migrant traps. Many of San Mateo county's rarest birds over the years have been found up there.

Posted by gyrrlfalcon over 8 years ago

Yes! All observations along the CA Coast will be aggregated for the big blitz.
We just want to manage the FMR events for the two days we have on the calendar.
Let's take this conversation to email.

Posted by rebeccafay over 8 years ago

Is there any way we can split the conversations about different Blitzs? I just find this to be a lot of reading that I do not have time to do. If I want to read more details about Death Valley, for example, I have to read the whole thing. Just an idea...

Posted by microm over 8 years ago

good call @microm - there's a nice thread RE: this weekend's Death Valley BioBlitz here - maybe folks can make other Bioblitz specific discussions and post the links here so we can all find them

Posted by loarie over 8 years ago

Thanks @loarie .

Posted by microm over 8 years ago

Hey BioBlitzers! I'd love your thoughts on potential BioBlitz giveaways over here at this journal post. Thanks!

Posted by carrieseltzer over 8 years ago

PS, I think including the state would be useful on the calendar. Else I have to google search the location to work out where it is!

Posted by silversea_starsong over 8 years ago

Another NPS Centennial BioBlitz project (including the state @silversea_starsong ):

3/26: Fort Bowie: Birds, Bugs, and Botany - AZ (

Posted by forester93 over 8 years ago

I just added the first bioblitz of 2017 of which I am aware. If anyone knows of any please let me know.

Posted by finatic over 7 years ago

@finatic We have a bunch of bioblitzes scheduled for the spring: - we should also be adding one or two more to this list in the next couple of days.

Let me know if you'd like to add them to the calendar, otherwise I can do it in the next few days. Thanks again for organizing the bioblitz calendar!

Posted by kestrel over 7 years ago

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