Journal: San Mateo

This week I did not get to visit Half Moon Bay as my allergies acted up quite severely resulting in my stay at home for most of the week. However, I did in fact get to find many species of lichen around my neighborhood. On September 29, I went on a walk around my neighborhood and found not only lichens, but flowers, a lizard, and a wolf spider as well. I began this walk around 2 pm so it was quite warm outside. I walked up and down hills and had an overall count of 3000 steps. I also uploaded some observations that I took last week from Central Park which I did not upload last week (the observation of the American Crow was from today). Next week I hope to visit the Fitzgerald Marine Reserve in Half Moon Bay to find different crabs and other types of aquatic animals.

Posted on October 3, 2021 06:11 AM by sheetalbhatia sheetalbhatia


check the low tide time and plan to get to Fitzgerald to see the organisms exposed at low tide (sponges, seaweed, chitons, barnacles etc.)

Posted by barry_thomson almost 3 years ago

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