June bioblitz starts soon. Here are your side quests!

Remember, our June 2022 bioblitz starts just as soon as today is over, at midnight in your time zone, Friday, June 17. That's just a handful of hours away in some parts of the world!

Since this is a long one, ending at the end of the day on July 4, again at midnight in your time zone, we've planned several side quests.

1. Lepidoptera (Butterflies and Moths)

  • Observe as many Lepidoptera and as many species of them as you can.

2. Odonata (Dragonflies and Damselflies)

  • Observe as many Odonata and as many species of them as you can.

3. Diptera (Flies)

  • Observe as many Diptera and as many species of them as you can.

4. Iconic taxa

  • For each of the Iconic Taxa we will count each team member who has at least one.
  • That is, only the per-team tally of observers matters, so each competitor should try to find all 13!

5. Fruiting plants

  • Annotate your observation Plant Phenology: Fruiting if it is in that stage.

6. Rainbow names

  • Tag your observation rainbow if it has a colour in the name.
  • e.g. Azure Bluet, but sorry, that still only counts as one!
  • Or maybe you've found Azure Bluet instead? Cool! That scores both as a rainbow name and for the the Odonata side quest!

Observations at night

  • Tag your observation night if you observed it after dark - roughly speaking, after sunset and before sunrise.

Thanks, as usual, go to @nbatzdofff for all of our artwork for the blitzes! For this blitz, they have also provided this graphic to remind you what to look for:

Posted on June 16, 2022 07:10 AM by benarmstrong benarmstrong


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