An interim compilation of Milewski's favourites

I have been active on iNaturalist for several years now.

Over this time, I have favouritised certain observations, in which the photos have been particularly clear, unusual, or otherwise illuminating.

Here are my favourites, to date:

These photos bear studying again and again, as we learn to be more and more observant of the organisms around us.

Thank you to all the iNaturalists who have enriched our lives with these noteworthy contributions.

Posted on August 24, 2022 09:15 PM by milewski milewski


Noteworthy photo of Tibetan brown bear: clear whitish collar even in adult
Ursus arctos, Tibet:

Posted by milewski about 2 years ago

The following shows how large the ear pinnae can be in Gazella dorcas:

Posted by milewski about 2 years ago

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