Gang-Gang breeding season - update

This is a reminder to continue to look out for (and record on iNaturalist) Gang-gang sightings especially nesting indications in our area. There are increased sightings around Moruya area so the mating season is underway!

From previous post
Gang Gang breeding season is not that far away, with August and September being the months when Gang-gangs are most actively and nosily looking for hollows. It would be great if you could continue to keep and eye and ear out for Gang-gangs and record on iNaturalist any activity of Gang-gangs looking into, entering, leaving or within a hollow.

Your assistance is required to record any mating observed or where Gang-gangs are chewing bark around a hollow. Michael Mulvaney will monitor new iNaturalist sightings. See other post for summary of what the Gang-gang hollow search project achieved last year - it demonstrates that your efforts are yielding conservation results.

Gang-gang breeding habitat has traditionally been thought as Tall Wet Forests with nests in tall trees 18-25m off the ground in a dead spout off the main trunk. However nearly all of the 60 nests that we have recently located are in woodland - open forest situations with the nest hollow on average 6.5m from the ground. . Nearly all the nests are also within 250m of the urban edge. This may be related to the availability of food in urban parks and gardens. When feeding records close to nests are compared to those further away, close to nest feeding includes a higher proportion of Gum Nut, Cone and insects than records further away. I suspect that the ideal nesting habitat includes hollow bearing gum trees that are near to an abundant supply of eucalyptus nuts, green calllitris or cypress nuts and many wattles bearing green pods in October-December.

Posted on August 31, 2022 12:04 AM by barv barv


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