Is there a bract on the flowering stem?

If you observe either Tiarella stolonifera or Tiarella cordifolia sensu stricto with a single, small bract on the flowering stem, add an observation field to track this. On any observations page, under the heading “Observation Fields”, do the following:

  1. Choose a field: forma bracteata
  2. Select a value: yes or maybe
  3. Click: “Add”

Click the link below for the current list of observations that specify this field:

Apply this field if all of the following are true:

  • There is one small bract on the flowering stem
  • The location is within range for either Tiarella stolonifera or Tiarella cordifolia sensu stricto
  • The plant is neither planted nor introduced

Very rarely you may find a pair of bracts on the flowering stem of either species. In this case, assign a value of "maybe" to the field.

Posted on December 7, 2022 05:15 PM by trscavo trscavo


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