Review of effusus group of the genus Pyrops

Now, Even if this sounds complex to differentiate these species, it's 100 times easier.


1 -----Snout goes forward but turns upwards and slightly bulbous after covering 50% of snout ----- = Effusus group;

2 ----- Snout mostly blue ----- = P. whiteheadi or P. synavei;
2.1 ----- Spots on wings ----- = P. whiteheadi;
2.2 ----- Spots formed into bands for first half from base of wings ([here] The point where the wings attach to thorax) ----- = P. synavei;

3 ----- Snout mostly yellow for first half from base ([here] The point where the snout attaches to head) and the rest navy blue or dark green with wings green for two thirds from base ([here] The point where the wings attach to thorax) and the rest brown or orange ----- P. effusus of P. gunjii;
3.1 ----- Wings green for two thirds from base ([here] The point where the wings attach to thorax) and the rest brown or similar shades with a bright patch ----- = P. gunjii
3.2 ----- Wings green for two thirds from base ([here] The point where the wings attach to thorax) and the rest orange or similar shades without a bright patch ----- = P. effusus


This article has been mentioned in:

The genus Hariola Stål, 1863 by Aarav mishra on Fulgoromorpha: The coolest insects!'s journal.

Identification for the clavatus group of the genus pyrops by Aarav mishra on Fulgoromorpha: The coolest insects!'s journal.


Review of the effusus group of the Lanternfly genus Pyrops Spinola, 1839, with one new species and notes on trophobiosis (Hemiptera: Fulgoromorpha: Fulgoridae)

Posted on February 10, 2023 09:59 AM by aaravmishra aaravmishra


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