New Project

Hi all! I was wondering if you could join my project I just created, Bathing Birds. link-
Please let any other birders you know to join.
@aidanrf @bcinaturehunt @birdboy086 @bk-capchickadee12 @brennafarrell @broncolane @calypso4 @dbmcc09 @edporopat @fishkid @galloots13 @gallusgallusdomesticus @gatorhawk @greenari @greensnake879 @iqcreaturehero786 @juliereid @kentross @mbwildlife @mhalsted @mrodenborg @quinnbirds @raymie @s_n_a_dawson @sfreeman7 @srbowm @stephen_b_taylor @that_bug_guy

Posted on April 15, 2023 08:50 PM by caterpillar511 caterpillar511


I joined!

Posted by aidanrf over 1 year ago

Interesting project. I have a question, though: is bathing limited to water, or is something like a dust bath fair game as well? Birds love to do that!

Posted by pinefrog over 1 year ago

I guess I didn't do it right. I thought I posted a "story" (Mallard drying off after swim) to your project but it ended up at as an observation. I have a lot of photos from last year of birds bathing in the excavation pond on the empty lot next door. I don't know if the one about the Mallard drying off after a swim counts but I found it fascinating and thought you might like it.

Posted by srbowm over 1 year ago

Yes, dust bathing can be added to this project! I will add that to the description.

Posted by caterpillar511 over 1 year ago

@srbowm you can add that to the project. It has to have happened after a bath though.

Posted by caterpillar511 over 1 year ago

I joined as well!

Posted by mhalsted over 1 year ago


Posted by mrodenborg over 1 year ago

I joined!

Posted by bk-capchickadee12 over 1 year ago


Posted by gallusgallusdomes... over 1 year ago

I added one off memory!

Posted by galloots13 over 1 year ago

I'll join for sure!

Posted by that_bug_guy over 1 year ago


Posted by brennafarrell over 1 year ago


Posted by broncolane over 1 year ago

Thanks all!

Posted by caterpillar511 over 1 year ago

joined :)

Posted by quinnbirds over 1 year ago

I joined! :)

Posted by wildmoss over 1 year ago

I joined!

Posted by polarbearnaturalist 12 months ago

Joined! :)

Posted by texas_nature_family 5 months ago

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