2023 05 19 Belwin Conservancy and Blaine SNA

On May 19th Jillain LaCombe and I went to Belwin Conservancy Stagecoach Trail in Afton for the first time ever. Neither of us were well prepared foolishly thinking that summer was here and it was about 50 degrees with heavy winds that morning. So we didn't spend a super long time out there and we both froze but I guess this is what crazy bird people do? It has a mix of Prariie and woodland which is really cool since 99% of Minnesota's Prairies are gone and they are the least well preserved habitat nationwide. So many species of plants, bugs, birds, mammals, reptiles, etc are only found in Prairies.

In our brief time there Jillian got to see quite a few species that were new to her, including some Eastern Bluebirds which she has mentioned wanting to see so many times before! It was her first time seeing a Great-crested Flycatcher also which if you know their call you will know they are around because it's very loud. They have bird houses along the trail inhabited by adorable Tree Swallows which is about as close to a Tree Swallow as you'll ever get since they are protecting their nest inside.

On my way home I ran a few errands and by that time it had warmed up enough that I went birding a little bit more at Blaine Scientific and Natural area on the way back home, which Jillian and I went to couple weeks ago. There are Osprey nesting in a nearby parking lot, but I also saw a Broad-winged Hawk and a Northern Harrier getting harrassed by a Red-winged Blackbird fly past. Blackbirds or Crows harassing raptors is maybe my favorite thing to see when I'm out birding I just wish they were easier to get good photos of.

https://photos.app.goo.gl/qvH4cw33KAxoKhtA8 FOTOS
https://ebird.org/checklist/S138353296 BIRD NERD STUFF
https://ebird.org/checklist/S138381028 BUT WAIT THERE'S MORE

Posted on June 4, 2023 01:49 AM by earnoodles earnoodles


Thanks for sharing! I'll have to check that place out

Posted by mrodenborg over 1 year ago

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