A Lovely Weekend

We are nearing the end of a lovely weekend of invertebrate obsession and I, for one, am SO glad it hasn't rained for two days!

At around 7 PM on Sunday, we are at 4,756 observations of 1,239 species, and several people (I'm looking at you, @tmurray74) haven't had a moment to post their observations, so I think when everything is wrapped up, MIIDGE 2023 will be very successful! We'll be back Wednesday with the final numbers, so try to get everything posted by then.

And we'd like to know your favorite observations over the past three days. For me, I really enjoyed what I think was a Bridgham's Brocade Moth, the first one I've ever seen (feel free to correct my ID!). A beautiful moth! What was your favorite?

Thanks, everyone!

--Lynn Harper

Posted on July 23, 2023 11:21 PM by lynnharper lynnharper


It was a great weekend. Thank you for organizing this! I don't know about my favorite observation, but by far my favorite part of it was staying up too late with my son at a light sheet and him for the first time taking a bunch of pictures, getting really into it, and enjoying the tiny beetles among the moths.

Posted by jakemccumber 11 months ago

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